

I strongly suspect he’ll regret this stance. Patient groups (cancer, transplants, etc) are large, very vocal, and often have a lot of time on their hands. I foresee picketing, upside down reviews, crank calls, threats (not good, but inevitable), and on and on.

Fuck Ohio.

She’ll go 300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene!”


They keep using the word “mall”. I do not think it means what they think it means. 

As Is sales needs to be banned, at least for commercial dealers. It is one thing for ordinary folks to be selling something as is, we’re not trying to make a profit or run a business, and can’t be expected to be spending time doing in depth inspections, but a dealer who sells every day? They are either selling

This is why consumer protection laws exist, and why shitty red states often pass laws that strip away consumer protections. Ugh.

“Ohio has an as-is law that protects the dealer, not the consumer,” Lisa Geibel said.

Not that able-bodied people don’t also deserve to not be ripped off, it’s especially scummy to do this to people that need these vehicles.  Worst of the worst.

Gosh, wouldn’t it be a shame, a real shame, if something like a fire were to happen to 1st Quality Auto Mall (located at 471 West Avenue, Tallmadge, Ohio)?


Kind of hope they conceived. Such a story for little Schuylkill to hear one day. Legends. 

Tell them this flag is just as much their heritage..

“We are mindful that our employees and customers hold a wide range of beliefs,” and we are going to cater to the bigoted ones.  

Bonus points for both thin-blue-line and dont-tread bumper stickers. 

It always struck me as weird to celebrate one’s connection with, not mere traitors, not even traitors who fought to continue enslaving other humans, but traitorous enslavers who got their asses kicked six ways from Sunday. You’re celebrating a bunch of losers, in every sense of the word.  Every time you see someone

Never a car itself, but what that car is displaying. I live in an area where several people have Confederate flags plastered all over their cars and flying from their flagpoles. I don’t care how cool your car and truck are, I’m not going to think highly of you for flying these flags.

dammit i came here to make this suggestion and even had the same image queued up to use.

Diesel pickup are cool and have their place, but these assholes rolling coal in the faces of pedestrians and cyclists can fuck off.