
If only there were already a well-understood means of transit by which people could move through underground tunnels quickly and efficiently, without the need for manual steering. Sadly there is nothing.

Alabama law requires school buses from the 2006 model year forward to be equipped with air conditioning

And, a great deal safer, than musk's tunnel, that has little access, no fire suppression

They have AC.  If you want WORKING AC, that’s too bad.  After all, it’s Texas.  No water breaks or shade for workers there, after all.  They’re just training the kids to be ready to work.

Socialist much? Those kids should band together and buy their own AC if they want it so much! They’ll just have to give up avocado toast and get an extra job.

It’s on a predetermined route with right of way. Put some bowling bumpers around the tires and it’s ‘on rails’. Put it on some -actual-’s a train.

I am busting a gut laughing ylthat Tesla Partial Self Driving can't navigate the Tesla Hype Loop. 

RIP George Carlin on places like Texas:

Wonka’s tunnel is less scary than this one.

I can’t wait for Elon to tell the world that he solved autonomous driving within that tunnel by mounting those cars on rails.

No drivers, no accidents, no delay. That’s Tesla’s autonomous driving technology.

An electric train is far better because:

I dunno, Texas... If you care about those kids, maybe you should mandate AC in school buses? In one of the hottest areas of the country? Maybe that’s a good idea?

Driver goes 30mph on dirt road, hits pothole, kid falls off seat —> parents sue

You gotta be drunk to put with all those kids. Like my bus drivers back in the day.

I have been in the classroom for over 25 years and I would never drive a school bus. I am shocked more of them do not loose it every now and then. The kids parents probably have trained the kids to treat the bus drivers like crap or like a servant. 

So they’re not a car company any more,which is the only product they actually make and sell.

Surprised those walls aren’t full of ads.

It’s like a train, but dumber...

EDIT: CRAP, Delete that. I just clicked on the link and found that was a fatal accident.  No jokes about that.

I live in North Carolina. I keep seeing the suggestion on this site that the ‘squat’ is a thing minorities do, but I just don’t find that to be the case. It’s pretty much always a white dude in wraparound shades and a beard…probably recording a video that starts with ‘know what those liberals just don’t get?!’