
That one is wild, where the pickup rolls off as he rounds the corner :-D

Can you say “beaver money” on a public site?

I have not been following the recent twists & turns of the EV credit market (I’ll check back on November 6), but if you buy this thing, you only get half the credit, but it you lease, you get the full credit? How does that make sense?

A conditional use permit is not a guarantee though.  That process would have given the neighbors the chance to to plead their case, and possibly kill this idea before $100,000 was spent.  And even if the CUP was granted, it would have codified the rules under which the track lives, giving legal teeth to future

The point of a permit is not for the local government to collect money; permit fees are usually very nominal, and often do not even cover the direct expense a municipality has in ensuring compliance. The point of a permit is to ensure the community is developed and maintained in a manner that does not negatively

So this dealer knows he has a piece of crap, where the crappiness has been actively camouflaged, and misleads and lies to them, and family who is clearly in a desperate state, and they are 1000(sic)% at fault? The professional with insider information who chose to lie has zero blame in this?

I lasted grades kindergarten through 8th in a school with no AC (the 1980's Catholic church must have had other priorities...) and parts of my high school also had no AC. When we tried to make foldable fans out of paper the nuns would take them and crumple them before our sweaty eyes. The point is, these kids were

I can’t say I disagree with their mission statement.

What, you mean 27 mph down a residential street does not need to sound like a Group B rally stage? Yeah, these things are crazy loud, and crazy stupid. I cannot imagine driving one of these douche mobiles on every grocery run. 

Damn you’re right, I just tried it. But you need to hold them for a second or two, otherwise it just takes a photo.

This is engineering solving problem’s people actually had, or at least they appreciated the feature. Now we get change for the sake of change coupled with blinding and overly complex (read: stupid) exterior LED light shows that reek of “because we could” and do nothing for anyone.  And meanwhile your seat heater

The solution to this is clear: windows that only open when you swipe them down with your finger. Or better yet, merely a finger gesture! Get rid of buttons altogether, save $1.73/unit shipped, and pocket that $1.73 to develop your own bespoke subscription-based infotainment system for when you ban CarPlay/AA. 

But it’s been easier to monetarily exploit minorities/dark skinned people. Whether its Chinese building our railroads, sticking chemical plants in Black neighborhoods where there is no political pushback, or oppressive working conditions in California fields. I think the driving force is profit maximization, and

“He had the unfortunate pleasure of working for a particular company that would hire people on visas and treat them like absolute garbage. They couldn’t quit and the employer knew and took advantage of it.”

That’s sometime how big things fail:

This a thousand times before I think of the American flag.

Did you miss the wrap-around shades and baseball cap?  This is Central Casting stuff.

Is the hood still so high that it provides zero visibility of anything within 20 feet of the front? It is still so high that it will absolutely obliterate any animal, person, or vehicle it happens to run into?  Cool, cool.