
You want your full name, home address, license number and license expiration date to all be visible without unlocking your phone???

If you have an iphone and are ordered to hand it to a cop, just press and hold the power and one of the volume buttons. It opens the screen to shut off the phone ,but even if you don’t it disables FaceID/TouchID. 

Not that it’s a good idea, but that law should at least make anything they find inadmissable if they don’t have a warrant.

Nobody needs to see my address or legal name, if I happen to lose my phone, or it gets stolen. 

Whelp we told the cops not to do it, so surely they won’t!”

Oh ok I see my first issue was getting a Mitsubishi lol

Depends on the manufacturer. My older Corvette has auto-down only, and you have to hold slightly more than a tap to get it to go partially down which is annoying. But our other cars have detents, halfway for manual and all the way for auto up/down. If you have one of those it’s not that hard.

We Germans are not all smiles and sunshine. 

As a Gen-X’er this doesn’t even register as a debate for me. The only thing I’ve ever used my Apple Wallet for are airplane boarding passes. There is a less than zero percent chance I will ever volunteer to use a digital id. If they try to force me, I’ll go off grid and into the woods.

Illinois has a new digital ID law going into effect on January 1st. They’ve taken this into account, at least. The text of the law includes, “Provides that the display of a mobile identification card and driver’s license shall not serve as consent or authorization for a law enforcement officer, or any other person, to

Use somebody else’s fingerprint, dummy!

No shit.

Yeah this is exactly why I can’t understand why ANYONE would want this. I’m NEVER handing my unlocked phone over to a stranger. 

It’s actually 7 menus deep, in the audio settings.

Bring on the insignificant gripes!

I’m surprised that an automaker hasn’t eliminated the door switched in favor for a touch screen control.

200 miles or 600 miles, it really doesn’t matter in a minivan.

Definitely one of the more interesting EVs/Cars in general, but they are treating it like...a treat, a toy, a premium throwback instead of just an interesting affordable vehicle...Why? Even 35K would be a competitive price and maybe shift the bubble but crossover craze a little.

Have you seen the price of new minivans today?