
and Audi app store access for the center infotainment screen”

What about my sense of affordable, Stateside wagon?

“I need a big vehicle to take my kids to soccer practice. Who cares if I can’t see anyone else’s kids in the parking lot.”

Yes, the hood is higher.

24 inch wheels? Good lord, can we stop already? This crap is why everyone is complaining that everything is more expensive these days. Probably $2K plus just to get a new set of tires, and crappy ones at that.

That promotional picture slays....because if there’s one place people take their brand new, top-line, 6-figure monstrosity that they owe ~$1800/month on, is a jagged, uneven road full of dust, rocks, sharp and paint-scratchy things.

I dunno, man... Mall parking lots can be fierce. Probably ought to put a winch on it first. 

That Rolls is the best worst decision you could ever make.

The All-Terrain trim seems like the way to go if you’re going to need to park on some grass at the soccer field after driving through Starbucks, but before going to the mall. 

Maybe IMS scaring people away.

If it can even make it, the drone footage will be interesting...

He is not an engineer, and never was

Isn’t Detroit kind of the perfect storm of everything that makes insurance expensive? High crime, mandatory unlimited PIP, high density with a lot of accidents.

Such a fearsome weapons platform that it could only be undone by.... an inflatable tackle dummy? A small puddle? on OTA update? A car wash? Ukranians must be quaking in their boots.

If this premium is truly unjustifiable, then wouldn’t its existence imply a price-fixing cartel?

Ooof - a public regift. Rough.

Still taking pains to show he’s a deeply unpleasant human being, though.

I would have used a Toyota Hi-Lux as a base for this. After adding armor and weaponry, I would still have about $80,000 left over for ammunition that this guy blew on his fragile Cybertruck. Like you’re going to be able to find a charging station and be able to sit immobile for hours while it recharges in a war zone?

“Cybertruck sucks so hard I wouldn’t even give it to the enemies of Ameri......”

I can’t wait to see the big, bada boom this thing lets loose once it encounters a drone