
It’s nice to see only a $0.20/gal premium for premium, versus a $1.20/gal premium though.

Are they pirates?

Supply and demand, baby. Same price structure on cruise ships and movie theaters. And in defense of the gas station, a little pre-planning with fueling up before driving into the desert and traveling with plenty of water is simple common sense. 

So, what do I owe you?”

Good news: nobody is forcing you.

It’s not like it’s a binary. It’s not like 70mph is safe and 71mph means a mortal threat to public safety. I agree that ticket writing shouldn’t be a for-profit business, but every law enforcement action has to have some sort of associated cost benefit analysis. You wouldn’t want your local PD to blow all of its

Ignore cost-effectiveness? In these United States? Surely you jest! We’re cutting education funding in favor of for-profit schools because public education isn’t cost-effective! Ha! You fool! We will always shoot ourselves in the collective foot to preserve a profit margin!

Yes, just wanted to point out that most people indirectly own stocks that they may not agree with ethically through index funds.  Owning individual stocks is high risk/high reward.

I’ve spent a lot of time learning about personal finance and I’m naturally very frugal. That said, I’m less inclined than I used to be about financial-shaming people. The deck is usually stacked, there’s a power imbalance, and a car purchase is usually not a discretionary luxury purchase for most people. This comment

Republican appointed judges love taking every possible opportunity to prove that they don’t have the the character and temperament to be judges.

Hey all of you readers and writers, I have a bumper on my car. I charge $4 million per sticker to allow you to advertise on my car. I see that you folks haven’t been advertising there and thus, have not paid me. So I’m going to have to sue all of you for that.

Texas is truly Thunderdome.

Even corruption is bigger in Texas.

Saw a clip from a Joe Rogan interview where Rogan and his guest were ridiculing “senile” Joe Biden for claiming that George Washington had led a charge to liberate U.S. airports from the British. When a staff person pointed out that the out-of-context YouTube clip they were playing actually showed Biden ridiculing Dona

You’re damn lucky you didn’t get tazed or lead-poisoned.

Look, black politician, big politician, very beautiful black politician, could have been either, I don’t know. Could have AI generated, but certainly black. When he chose to become black, I don’t know. Helicopter go boom. My ass go boom, soiled my Depends. Go Mar A Lago now, sleepy time.

I’m actually impressed that Trump didn’t “remember” his travelling companion being Matin Luther King... or Frederick Douglass, for that matter.

Parking ticket this weekend - went to an event down near a waterfront park. One of the park’s lots is closed for repaving or something, the other lot is already full. What appears to be available is apparently only for boat trailers for the nearby boat ramp. Despite the clear need for car parking, and only being a

When we were 12, my buddy and I were on our bicycles and passed a radar trap set up a little ways around a corner from his house. So when we got to his place we quickly made up a little cardboard sign that said “slow down, radar ahead” and sat at the end of his driveway with our warning. Cars flashed their lights at

They won’t tell you this, but if you plug a CT into 480V it will not only charge in half the time, but go twice as fast afterward. Such a hack.