
My choice could also be considered one of the best, since its ancestor helped win World War 2—the M151A2 Jeep from when I was stationed in Germany as NATO headcount:

I drove a Ford Tempo owned by a friend’s family. The steering COLUMN moved to the left and right while you drove. The entire interior felt like it was decaying as I drove and there was a weird smell accompanying the visual feast of decomposing plastic and mystery materials. I literally felt like I needed a shower when

Maybe the driver watched that idiot showing off CT handling in a parking garage and assumed they didn’t need to slow down for curves anymore because they have a vehicle that “handles” better than any car in the world.

Considering that one guy in California drove off a cliff in one and everyone in the car survived, I agree.

I don’t know why people think these things have no crumple zones. They have just as much as any other pickup truck does, and probably better than most given no massive frame rails up front and no engine block in the way. Stainless steel crumples just fine. It’s stiffer than regular mild steel, but not THAT much

Hope it’s not a glitch in that “no backup” steer-by-wire system.

Spot on.

Of course the truck self immolated to destroy all evidence, and embarrassment.

Sooo .. an EV Boxster:

Weight going from 3000 to 3600 ... a BIG deal
EV sounds ... a BIG deal
Complaining about manuals .. in a Porsche .. because of city driving. Right.
Complaining about sportscar mileage in a city .. you’re not using it right
Talking about how useful a 2 seater convertible is regarding storage space ..

My eyes glazed over the moment you complained about the manual.

To be clear, this isn’t because the US can’t manufacture electric vans for billionaires, it’s because there isn’t enough of a market for it, and the US government isn’t interested in subsidizing it.

Anyone rich bastard in the US who really wants a luxury electric van can pay a custom coach builder enough money to fund

It’s all about feel. Way back when, I was younger and possibly dumber and a lot smaller in diameter, I had a 88 Fiero. I had modified it with Koni struts, a rear sway bar, aftermarket suspension bushings and new rear control arms that allowed for more negative camber and lower unsprung weight and +1 tires/wheels. And

15 years ago in cycling, the only tires you would be caught dead with on a road bike were 23mm, pumped up to 120+PSI. This was just how it was done. And people would argue ad nauseam that the 23s were faster and handled better and anyway they have to be better because that’s what the pros ride and the pros only ride

One of the last manual vehicles left.

But has he changed his opinion about sharks?

I need tRump to go away, if for no other reason, because I can’t bear the thought of having to listen to that insane blithering coming out of that cat’s-asshole mouth for another four years.

First Gear:

Looking forward to him reuniting with Ivana. Party at my house, champagne by the case.

Remember, Donald The Felon only cares about one thing: money in his pocket so he can (ugh) win the election to keep his fat ass out of prison—period. Self-serving hypocrisy are the words that he lives by.

Trumps corruption is clear as day.