
Lots of ships “losing power” inexplicably’s almost like all these sailing reggys in 3rd world DGAS countries is not good for maintenance plans, inspections, and corporate liability.

0th Gear: Thank god you fixed The Root rerouting (ReRooting?) error.

Are.... are we back to being able to comment now without being force redirected? Huzzah.

...or JD Vance.

Unless the company does another stock offering and dilutes their current outstanding shares to create more stock to give to Musk, which they definitely won’t, Tesla has to buy the share from the open market at market price and then Musk buys it from Tesla at the option price, which is of course massively lower than

Cell phone cameras 100% do NOT include a polarization filter. You can buy an add-on filter from Amazon, though.

Endor took on significant debt during its 2020 growth to meet increased global demand during the pandemic. Like many companies who experienced significant growth as a result of isolated customers and a desire to escape during the Coronavirus epidemic, once the peak demand began to wane, it was overleveraged.

I’d still caveat that there are people not-online-enough to not know any better. Some folks genuinely just see a cheap EV with a good charging network. This site documented quite a few instances of “ I bought a Cybetruck because it’s all crazy and sci-fi looking, why does everyone hate me?”

who wouldn’t think twice about ‘bricking’ your car on a whim...

I think my favorite thing is Tesla’s becoming the “cheap used vehicle that is easy to get”. Quite a fall from their initial prestige. It’s really perfect timing with the Altima going away.

Something seriously wrong with this page. It keep automatically sending me to The Root. It’s done it over half a dozen times already. The only way I could completely scroll down and open comments without triggering it was to scroll verrrrrry slowwwwwwly and then wait 30 seconds before clicking on comments.

Doesn’t help that the only advertising they’ve ever done was not to sell cars but to sell shareholders on giving their CEO a $55b payday.

No normal person would buy a Tesla. No even halfway rational person would buy a Tesla. You’re financing one of the most dangerous people on the planet.

The normal people I know who bought Teslas no longer own them. *Eight* former owners in my circle of friends and coworkers. All got rid of them due to disgust with the ownership experience. That is telling to me.

Regardless of everything else wrong with Tesla and Musk, just the fact that it can be totalled over a fender bender due to lack of spareparts availability woud be show-stopper for me. Of course, the other things wrong with Tesla and usk are more important to me, But if You want to support a fascist and think Teslas

  • Cybertruck Owner

The best part? He could have just deleted the video and not posted it. No one would have known. That is some real big-brain right there.

Moron does moronic thing to a moronic truck designed by a moron.

Hyundai is particularly scummy because basic things like traffic-aware navigation and even remote start (which is BUILT INTO THE CAR but many models for some generations don’t have a button on the key-fob, requiring use of an app to access that feature) require to opt in to a $100-300/year bluelink subscription.

We gave them the option to opt out- except you lose features if you don’t opt in.  I think it is scummy to tie features to selling your data.  I don’t ever want to have an internet enabled car if that implies it is ok to sell my data.