
Most of his companies are based entirely on taxpayer subsidies: We pay for SpaceX through massive government contracts and we subsidize his obsolete cars through subsidies. The main reason Twitter is in worse shape is because that’s the only one of his mismanaged tentacles we aren’t paying for through taxes.

Before you scoff or blame the boomers or whatever, just know that your own aging is the only sure thing you have in life. Maybe you don’t care about this today, but one day you will. So better to take an empathetic approach now if you want the same when your time inevitably comes.

“But long term, probably actually helps Tesla, that would be my guess.”

I live in an older neighborhood- tons of nice little ranch houses built in the 50s- and my older neighbors have fought the city tooth and nail to keep our street from getting sidewalks because... reasons.

Delta has offered them one meal voucher and a $250 credit on a future flight. 

In 2024, a conservative who is not a moron is called a RINO.

Oof...that last one stings to see. What a world

I hate to say it, but $100k is the new $75k. Cars generally have gotten more expensive across the board, especially performance cars. I think a better way to look at Corvette prices is to compare them to their competitors of the time. For example:

Agreed, I did not think Chevy was going to say “Hold my beer!” to Dodge. (I know the peak torque is lower, but still).

That’s a lot more power than I was expecting honestly. And impressive they preserved the high redline with the turbocharging. I wouldn’t be surprised to see these priced at an MSRP over $200k, but I guess that still makes them a relative bargain compared to the competitors. 

God damn time conspiring with clocks to wake me up too early.

Conservatives are supposed to respect private property—no? If somebody parked in one of these redhats’ driveway, he’d be out with an AR-15 “standing his ground.” Of course, for these folks, taking care of themselves outweighs everything else, just like with their master.

even though McConnell will have done more than almost anyone else to facilitate his return to office.

Imagine looking at everything in your life as one conspiracy or another. The MAGA crowd does.

You really think he even remotely gives enough of a damn about his supporters to remember that? What’s in it for him?

A towing outfit named “Gotcha Towing” couldn’t possibly be an ethically challenged business.

I’m sure there’s already a Facebook post saying that they had the cars towed/locked the doors because they didn’t want their secret Dunkin pedo ring discovered.

The only response needed here.  Well done.

A succinct summary of the GQP worldview: rules are for thee, not for me.

Good. Fuck em.