
Close. The ice cream company is actually a cover up for a magnet smuggling ring. So you were very close.

Wait, I thought a selling point of these was you couldn’t break the windows.

Herres said the damage to his cybertruck will force him to shut down the ice cream truck business for the rest of the summer. He said he started the business in May.

When this happens, it’s usually the scorned side piece. Plus, I’m just going to assume this dude’s “business” is some type of tax evasion anchored by magnets on his mobile fridge.

Dolan is why the Vegas Sphere must bankrupt him so that he must sell MSG, the Knicks and my beloved Rangers that he is basically holding hostage.

The USA in general likes to claim “low taxes”, while tacking on fees for every single thing you can imagine.  But it’s fine, since it not “taxes”.


The Florida Disease is spreading to the young. And they said it wasn’t contagious.

At first I thought this was an over-produced porno.

I love that our new robot overlords have zero respect for our current policing overlords 🤘

The opposing lane was asking for it!

Robotaxi: “Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.”

“Inconsistent construction signage”= “what was the victim wearing?”

Did it unlock the doors for them to find the registration and title?

Yeah, double edged sword. *Lots* of construction zones aren’t ‘consistent’ and hey, things move.

One of my favorite driving peeves. Love the “RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD” sign when no lane is closed. And the trailer-mounted electric sign just parked on the Interstate shoulder  (near no constuction zone) with lights flashing: “LOOK OUT FOR THIS HAZARD WE LEFT HERE!”

In the UK it is “flood” warning signs. Our council must spend a tonne of cash on them. They get tossed out all over the shop, and they never get picked back up. It is the most pointless sign out there, because you never know if it means an actual flooded road or just another remnant of a large puddle that dried up six

The driverless cars are immune from getting tickets and are taking off from the cops.

Yup, they need to do waymo work on this tech.

Waymo said in a statement shared with AZ Central the the issues faced by the robotaxi were as a result of “inconsistent construction signage” in the area