
American Lease is a Leasing company for Uber/Lyft driver. They rent cars/vans/SUVs to the drivers on a weekly basis. They charge $350-415 a week to lease a new or used Camry, and $400-$525 a week for a Highlander.

“be unable to fund vital business expenses … necessary to effectuate an orderly liquidation.”

I’ve been lurking on the Fisker forum on Reddit. There are ex-Fisker service people who are trying to get access to the in-house software which would be huge for people stuck with these. 

If it’s a software issue, I don’t think having a spare with the same issue is going to help.

For $14K i want something dependable - like a 10 year old Range Rover.

That’s just about cheap enough to scavenge the parts for EV conversions! 

At that price, you could buy a spare for repair.

some sort of social media platform where content creatures could offer these tips

not necessarily.

You are really invested in this argument, like “doth protest too much” invested. You are taking an off-the-cuff badmouthing of an ex as pure evidence of said ex being abusive and then trying to use things you would or would not say as evidence. And not just one or two comments, you are all over this thread with that.

I think you missed the bit where she mentions a controlling ex husband.

Perhaps google “metaphor” before flying off the handle?

I don’t base my car purchase on my salary, I base it on my current financial situation. Which includes my wife’s salary, our savings, our debts, our plans for other large expenses like home renovations, etc. And I sure as shit wouldn’t spend 70k on a brand new car. No way am I eating that depreciation hit.

Would you have been ok with your spouse telling you that you couldn’t have it, even if you could easily afford it?”

Where’s TikTok headquartered? 400k can burn really fast in some real estate markets.

Wow kind of a stretch, could just be that she had an ex that was more financially responsible and thought buying a Tesla at an inflated value was a bad use of money but what do I know? 

I don’t think we are supposed to feel bad for her.  It’s a cautionary tale that we can all apply to our approach to money regardless of our income. 

Looking at all of these options combined with the fact that Tesla’s general design hasn’t changed significantly since the first Model S over 12 years ago, and it’s not surprising that Tesla sales are suffering while others are gaining. And that’s not even considering the dumpster fire of a subhuman at the helm doing

Meh, she didn’t buy a Fisker--now that choice would’ve been a truly huge mistake.

Except Senna had respect for his fellow drivers and the sport and was a compassionate person off-track. And he wasn’t the first of his kind to do so.