
U-Turn Guy: yeah, probably a bit of an overreaction by the officer to issue a ticket

Jaywalking is a thing because the automotive industry poured a lot of money into turning this into a car-dependent nation.

This is such a bad analogy. If I use energy to charge my vehicle, then only one vehicle benefits, but Google AI can tell millions, maybe billions of people how much glue to put on their pizzas. It’s a matter of scale. And glue.

Don’t pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way? Even if they were jaywalking, you aren’t supposed to just run them over.

See, he hasn’t learned yet that the job of the cops is to enforce the law for the Rich not against them. He hasn’t learned how to be a happy little stormtrooper yet. He’ll be fired soon enough if he doesn’t though.

Something tells me Spencer has also used the words ‘should have complied with police’ when reacting to yet another unarmed person being shot.

My practical side. Damn what a waste of energy to generate Artificial Stupidity, when we have an abundance of naturally occurring stupidity.

Great article. Please apply the lessons learned here onto the years and years of Jalopnik writers consumer-shaming for energy consumption and climate change. The US military alone puts out more carbon than all of us driving combined one hundred fold. Much less these criminal companies selling themselves as “green”

Maybe they’re not looking to capitalize off of this. Perhaps, they simply want to be made whole and move on with their lives?

I wonder if anyone can begin to calculate how much energy has been wasted on crypto; the most epic waste of energy in the history of the world. But I’m sure it will be beaten soon by crap “AI”.

80k is a pretty reasonable request for the damage done to their house. I know this sounds crazy, but some people just want to get things made right. Honestly, I’m surprised their insurance company isn’t the one suing NASA.

4th: Even die hard gas-a-holics should revel in the fact that EV use is reducing demand for oil. In the span of the rest of their lives, reduced demand will help keep prices low enough so they can continue coal-rolling and otherwise offsetting all the benefits that those who buy EVs are doing by eschewing fossil fuels

There is a dollar amount somewhere that makes sense, but it’s not anywhere near retail price. For $5k on a brand new Fisker and a couple sets of pads/rotors I’d probably risk it. 

It was built by Borscht.


Not to sound like a boomer (I dont think im that old yet), but really dislike how AI is being integrated into everything.

Because people are weird and inconsistent. And I’d rather they stay that way than try to conform to what will work better for the ‘bots, thanks.

interesting experiment. The current wisdom is that McDonalds is the bottom rung of jobs and only the biggest loser’s work there. I guess that makes AI the biggest loser of all.

85% order accuracy is pretty damn awful. Would you fly an airline that has a screw up on 85% of its flights? Would you go to a doctor that messes up that often? Would you do business with any company that drops the ball once in every 30 transactions?

It’s almost like all of this AI is not actually able to do the things they claim it can, and may never actually be able to, and shouldn’t actually be replacing people in any capacity until it can actually do the things the hype claims it can.