
Like she said, nobody forced him to buy it. I brew my coffee at home for pennies a cup. He can too.

Hot Take: She could have left the window closed and stood back with the hammer. Opening the window up, reaching out into harms way (what if he smashed the accelerator while she was hanging out?) and smashing the windshield was a dangerous escalation of violence. 

A lot of the Drive’s toxic readership migrated over from the Warzone. They also don’t really have much in the way of moderation like Jalopnik or us over at the Autopian.

The Autopian has really picked up, I look forward to continuing to see many of you over there. The Drive is okay, except they weirdly have a very far-right commenting community with some bad takes.

Sir, This is a car/transportation website.

Always measure from the base.

The problem is that the aesthetics/styling of the thing speaks to having made the absolute worst engineering choices from the get-go. Right from the materials choices to steering to tyres. At every damn turn, they made shit decisions.

Form before function is the design edict for this vehicle.  OAN, I got to sit in one recently and was struck by just how bargain basement the interior felt.  All the money seemed to be in the screen.  Everything else was like rental car spec.

Another brilliant move by Elon! He’s Disrupting atmosphere!

This thing is such a mess. Put aside styling aesthetics or feelings about the CEO and just looking at how it’s designed an put together and they really screwed a lot up. It’s a worse tow vehicle then their own Model X. It sucks as an actual truck from a loading and capacity perspective. Lots of things failing like

In the Tesla Cybertruck’s defense, it’s awful in plenty of other ways, too!

Captain Planet would be locked up today for protesting and hurting “lawful” business ventures.

It was short-changed! It had just gotten back from the pool and the water was cold.

And a hideous one at that

You mean into Elon’s house? 

We’re bringing everything from the eighties back, the Cold War, an unending pandemic, right wing conservative religious nutjobs in power, and now the destruction of the ozone layers.

Nah, FSD recognize FSD. They don’t mess with another Tesla.

I wonder if we’ll eventually see a headline that says a FSD Tesla plowed into an ambulance that was responding a FSD Tesla that hit a truck.

I’m getting a really strong feeling of deja vu reading that headline.