
It is like the underprivileged masses WANT a crazy dictator.

This list of things orange strongeman-wannabe transactional narcassist has promised to do and not done is way longer than the list of things he has managed to accomplish. Maybe vote for the old guy who actually seems to care about reasonable public policy?

Trump really wants that rural vote from the guy with the one ton truck, side x side, fishing boat, snowmobile, ice house, dirt bike, and avt, that complains about the cost of gas.

First Gear: Donald Trump really only cares about two things, money and having people give money to him. As such, you’d think he’d be trying to win over someone like Elmo, who just got $56ish billion richer, and who directly benefits from increased EV sales.

This isn’t something you should be defending, and probably isn’t the hill you want to die on. It basically looks like a bit of fishing line. This is just bad engineering to get a rushed product out the door. There’s virtually no reason a manual release should only last a relative small number of uses.

LOL, you’re actually taking the word of someone who started off his video by saying that he lied to you in the last one.

You assume they’re being honest about the number of times it will work. This is just enough CYA to let them escape liability even if it breaks on the first pull because you can’t prove how many times you have actually used it. And there are way too many examples of Tesla trying to weasel out of totally straightforward

No worries, I’m sure it only costs $2,000 to fix... after waiting 6 months for the parts.

They need AC and Carplay

Sandra “Sandy” Schultz-Peters, 66, of Myrtle Beach, died of injuries sustained upon being struck by a vehicle while on the beach, according to the Horry County Coroner’s Office.

Oh, great, the release cable can only be expected to work once. As if you have a problem with the cable/plug, it will only happen once.

What’s worse, if she had survived the cops would have probably arrested her on BS charge. Precedent includes several incidents of Police cars hitting people or vehicles and charging the victims with NS obstruction charges or fake DWI charges. The cherry on top would be the police brutality case in I think Chicago


They shoulda cleared all their permits first. They didn’t. Beyond that, the debris we’re crying about is stones on a mountain side. Clean up (and recycle) any steel debris, move any stone debris that is causing a problem; not much else you can do here.

It’s not uninformed, it’s based upon common knowledge about how often police are held to account for their negligence.

An accident that you’ll only see in car-dependent America. Why walk, bike, or even take a small buggy/ATV on the beach with complete visibility of people and kids playing on the beach when you can simply drive your 2-ton vehicle on the beach where its hood and pillars all around blind you.

Why the fuck are they driving a truck on the beach? On any normal beach, they usually drive buggies or those Polaris carts. The ones that usually don’t kill people. 

I am somehow not surprised that the Swiss permitting system has holes in it.

This article gave me a head ache. So many contradicting or confusing points. Were they told not to use explosives or did they just not get that approved? There are points in the article that present both of those scenarios.

And don’t get me started about the stupid hyperlinks that take you to an article that has nothing to do with the original story.