
OMG!!! Battlebot royalty right here! Tantrum (and Blip) are 2 of the most innovative bots in the series. However, and I mean this with all due respect, one of the best BB moments was when Tombstone sent one of Tantrum’s fists so hard it embedded in the the wall :-D Tantrum has come so far since then, it’s fantastic.

As the uncle of a special needs kid, Musk’s use of that word, Zuckerberg is going to need to get in line behind me fight this dude, and there will not be anything left for him. Any F’ing time Elon, any F’ing place. What a total piece of shit.

As the owner of cars that only take premium, that is exactly where my mind went! :-D

Letting it ride! :-D Selling creates some taxable gains, so we have sold down only what we can use to offset other losses ($3,000 limit). It’s basically “found money” and not central to our investing goals, so not overthinking it. I saw a pristine air-cooled 911 a few weeks ago and the plate was “BUY NVDA”. That guy

But there is a difference between owning companies in an index fund versus owning an equity outright. I somehow stumbled into Nvidia 3 years ago, and the growth in that single stock dwarfs the growth in any index since then. If I were a judge in a position to boost/kill a single stock based on a position I held,

Fredrick Douglas, still out there doing great things!

Right, it’s called deflation, and as mush as people rue inflation, deflation is decidedly more economically deadly (in our economic model, anyway). This is a good example of it harming a specific company, but at least not the entire economy.  

But a Mercedes 240D on the road commands respect and admiration from people (or at least it should, or else they are savages) and is meant for traveling in style, while a Smart seemingly invites the opposite.

Years back my wife and I were at a blood drive at a Mercedes dealership and they had test drives of the Smart, so we took one. Honestly, we were laughing the entire drive because of how comically small it is. However, it was dangerously slow, you felt vulnerable and exposed everywhere, and this think can hold no more

Today’s youth will never know the 5-star crappiness that was the Ford Tempo.  Perhaps one of the worst things ever to roll on 4 wheels.

I have a custom Ti bike from 2005 I did most of my racing on, and then just my riding, and it won’t even handle a 25 on the front (fork crown clearance) so I ran a 23 front, 25 rear. I just got a new (carbon) Cervello and run 28's, and the ride quality is way, way better, thanks to the lower pressure, and it’s so much

When reading about the rise to power of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, a common theme is they would purge and lock up intellectuals and the educated, and I always wondered how they then got anything done. Of course the long-term answer is, they didn’t, but that still didn’t stop the sun from rising every day. So when I see

I have not been in a Mk8, and hope to never have to make that decision. I agree the MK7 screen is near perfect. Not too big, CarPlay works great, and mine responds instantaneously, and the volume and station-switching from the steering wheel controls are also instantaneous. My wife’s MB has a noticeable lag when

I understand that and aware of that issue, but there are mitigations for that other than defacto imprisonment without conviction, such as alcohol interlocks and ankle monitoring.  The point is a bit broader and maybe this woman is not the poster child for the cause, but it’s still a huge issue in our criminal

Agreed, I got bifocals about 2 years ago, and there is no sweet-spot to read much detail on the screen in my GTI (I use dedicated reading glasses for my computer-centric job, and distance-prescription sunglasses to drive, so the bifocals are a nighttime thing only, mostly). Thankfully the screen is small and

While I see the point this article is trying to make (white blonder lady gets off easily), the fact is such low bond should be the standard for all non-violent (alleged) crimes. Argue if this was “violent” or not, but the fact remains far, far too many people are held in jail pre-trial simply because they cannot

I used to run 2 Yakima bike roof racks on 2 different cars, so I can sympathize with compatibility issues. Is Subaru doing something proprietary with their roof rails/racks? 

This is a spin on my number one rule of the road: be predictable. It’s also my primary guidance for the thousands of mile a year I cycle. Do the thing that the rules say you should do, and in a manner that others can clearly see you are doing it.

Stupidity knows no bounds with today’s yute’s: