
As a man fully devoted to being the CEO of this company, while having no other CEO jobs or distractions, like a brood of emotionally healthy kids who are not simply scattered to the winds, I have full confidence he has fully thought through this situation and by no means gave an off-the-cuff response to an issue he

You can coast to the moon if you get up enough speed! My old house in Virginia, coming back from work, turning off the main road to a side road then into my cul-de-sac, I used to experiment with how far out I could coast and make all those turns and then get into my driveway. It was a balance of measuring cornering

I think you are underestimating most people’s ability to deal with their car doing something unexpected. Sure, it won’t take off like a rocket, but any changed or unexpected condition takes a human a few seconds to diagnose the issue. Stopping site distances on roadways have a 2.5 second period built in where the

This take is pretty spot-on. His dickishness made him a target and made people really push to expose him, when he chased down that Italian rider in the break that one year just to throw his weight around, ugh, such a ass, and stupid for doing so. If he’d been gracious in winning and shared the wealth and the good

Which is exactly why the CT cannot be sold in the EU, as it does not pass the EU pedestrian safety rules - it will maim or kill any squishy body it hits. So why can it then be sold here in the US? Because the US has no pedestrian safety rules! Mwahahahahahaha!

It deactivates when you hit the brake yes, but it is still On, such that pressing the Resume button makes the car accelerate to the last set speed. Step 1 is On/Off. Once On, the functions available are Cancel (does the same as pressing the brake), Resume, + speed, and - speed. So if you exited the highway and pull

My 2000 Celica has this control, and it was perfect.  Fast forward to 2018 and we were shopping a new car for my wife, and we were in a Lexus LX-Something, and I commented it had a nearly identical control to my Celica!  Finally an example of “If it ain’t broken...”.

I just KNOW this time he will be right!

What do you expect with the 4-volt?

Appreciate the research, and I agree with this selection of a less-obvious rule, especially as it’s at the root of a lot of other vehicle issues, from blocking people’s sight lines, to pedestrian safety, to the safety of people in the other cars these monstrosities plow into, to diesel still being a thing for

Empty words. Sure, 2 weeks abroad in 3 countries with a carry-on, and a wife. And while is can be done, it’s not worth the sacrifices. Traveling to England this fall for an athletic competition that requires all sorts of special gear and contingency items, we’ll just carry that on in 4 small suitcases?  The key is an

We have passport Global Entry, and when we come back through Customs it’s a 2-second state into the camera and you are through. Sounds brilliant until you realize you still need to wait another hour for your checked bag to show up.

Jim Dolan, the dirtbag who owns Madison Square Garden, has facial recognition constantly on at the venue, and uses it to ID lawyers employed by lawfirms engaged in the numerous lawsuits against him, and has them removed from the property. Just in case you needed another dystopian data point.

Only one answer here, be like a Beatle! Each of the Beatle’s were give a Mini in 1966, and Ring’s was customized to haul his drums. I heard a caller on the Sirius Beatles station tell a story of he was watching the filming of the video for “Strawberry Fields Forever” in Knole Park, and George Harrison gave him a ride

Blasting bench reps in a tank top with the garage door open and Skynyrd on the box on a Saturday afternoon? Definitely against the HOA.

Ummmm, we’re going to need to review those plans for that shed...

M’uh low taxes! Sure, they can’t afford homeowner’s insurance - or often even get insured at any price - and live constantly on the verge of financial ruin as a result, but did I mention no income tax? Also, who doesn’t love oppressive humidity 6 months of the year?

2,500+ municipalities in our fine Commonwealth! Some might say an oppressive number. I’m originally from Bucks County (a super-affluent county outside of Philly), and that County has over 25 different police forces. That’s 25+ administrative staffs, 25+ pensions to manage, 25+ of EVERYTHING. And that’s just the

I live in a borough near Mechanicsburg, and on a corner, so have about 200' of sidewalk exposure. It was made clear to us when we moved in over a decade ago that sidewalk was our responsibility. The Borough is divided into 10 zones and each year a Zone is inspected. We had to repair some heaving/trip hazards during

The Soviet Union changed drastically when Stalin died, because the cult of personality lost its personality, and the oppression and fear faded away (relatively speaking, but it was a huge shift). When Trump eventually bites it, the power vacuum scramble for Crazy Successor will be massive and bloody.