
I do about 2,000 miles on the road each year here in PA, and another 2,000 on gravel. I’m fortunate to live in an area which is overall very respectful to cyclists. Something I got this year is a rear-facing radar, and I will never, ever leave home without it again, even off road. It compliments a mirror with very

If only he were destined for one...Texas.

Could drinking 32 oz of coffee possibly contribute to why this dude is constantly at Rage DEFCON 1?  Good grief that’s a bit too much stimulation.

The damage is atmospheric (ozone layer) and not in space. NASA and the FAA didn’t do squat to ban aerosols via the Montreal Protocol.  And those agencies are doing a pretty crappy job anyway.  The amount of space debris floating around is a joke, and while it’s a big place, when even tiny particles under a cm in size

In this truck’s defense, lots of things might appear shorter than advertised, but the key is knowing where to measure from. I’d think many Cybertruck owners know what I’m getting at.

It’s the difference between providing enough propellent for a low earth orbit (orbital velocity) compared to providing enough for escape velocity (we’re going to Mars!), which is a lot more propellent.  And every kilo sent into space cost money, so of course they just dump these disposable items back into atmosphere,

Look up Tragedy of the Commons.  This is it.

My old Celica had 384,000 miles on it, and at about 350 miles/tank, I opened the fuel door around 1,100 times. Changed the oil every 3,000 miles (key to it’s longevity?) and that with other maintenance, call that another 200 pulls on the hood. Neither ever failed. And while these are high standards, this thing is

He’s my senator, and barely beat Dr. Oz, the lowest of bars, a guy who did not even live in PA and apparently did not see that as an issue. Fetterman is a dolt, and a one-termer for sure, if he makes it that far. Unfortunately he’s also my dolt :-(

There are some supreme court cases that basically obligate a public company to do this, that say their entire reason to exist is to return money to shareholders. Not to build stuff, not to change the world, not to enrich lives, only and always to return value to ownersAnd this against the risk of shareholder

So ventilated seat will be an OTA update?  Cool tech, bro.

That association 100% keeps our family from ever even considering a Tesla.

Donny Don’t likes this.

Welcome to the world of being poor in America.  Little choice, you take what you can get.  That’s real #Freedom.

File this in the “Elections have consequences” file.

Disrupting switchblades! And your veins & arteries!

Yeah, it’s probably some version of that rule about the square feet the vehicle covers and the approach/departure angle, plus GVW, that the law basically says “do whatever the hell you want”. In my state of PA a loophole allows these giant vehicles to be exempt from child-safety seats and there is a currently a bill

I’m saving my money for the Tesla-branded Bible.

Absent from this safety assessment, how unsafe these massive vehicles with their square, 5-foot high hoods, are for nearly every single other vehicle on the road. Get T-boned or hit head-on by one of these monstrosities, and it’s game over for you.

He bought it before he separated and had to move into the depressing divorce’ apartment complex.  Unknown if him being kicked out is at all associated with his decision to buy this monstrosity...