
The CBB is no joke of a bridge. The south span is 2 lanes, always travels north, and those 2 lanes are crazy narrow with either steel or concrete walls inches from your door. The north span is 3 lanes...a tad wider, and normally all 3 lanes are southbound, but sometime they make the southernmost lost lane travel north.

Bodycams seem at best 25% effective in the amount of corruption they expose, given the number of times cops fail to turn them on, purposely turn them off, or hide the footage behind bogus confidentiality claims.  The abuses that are exposed when they KNOW they are being watched, makes me weep for the abuses of the

“Your premise is far from consumer friendly and only benefits OEMs bottom-line and bonus structure.”

Damn, that car is (was?) beautiful... We almost bought an RF back in 2021. Test drove them a bunch, had the email drafted to the dealer with our offer, and per custom, then slept on it. In the end it didn’t feel right in the economic context of the the times for such a discretionary purchase, so we punted. Cut to 2023

I think you need to zoom that telescope out a few more races, and the point is pretty clear. And I love F1 as much as the next guy.

I’ll just leave this 2023 article from NHTSA here so you can wallow in your own crapulance. And stats show that about 10% of folks do not wear a seatbelt, so half the deaths come from 10% of the population.

Escalate the situation is Step 1 in the How to Cop manual, it seems.

Here, here!  Should be the law of the land.  Zero excuse for a bodycam to be off.

You’re missing the point. Speed is far more reckless, and the data shows, when it is uncontrolled (drunks) or not protected at impact (unbelted). Those 2 categories contain 50% all all deaths. And yet only 10% are unbelted and no where close to 50% are drunk, so those 2 categories are around 10X more dangerous.  

Frankly, 2 things that would save way more lives, be easier to implement, and would not introduce Big Brother tracking:

My Top 3 Car Shows:

Robo-taxis that cannot even spot crossing trains, apparently

And turning your potential customers against you with all sorts of right-wing rage-tweeting works even worse.  Case in point: me.  If he invented a toilet that tuned my piss into gold I would not buy it from him.

Has nobody read The Terminal Man, by Michael Crichton?

I really hope you are right. And good point about him possibly being a sales killer...we are in the Tesla demographic, but would never, ever buy one so long as his name is associated with the company. And in fact he might have killed any sale permanently, as even if he were to leave, I’d need a good 5 to 10 years of

So we’re all clear, we all know the $55B will be approved by the shareholders, right? These votes are like 30,000 YES to 1 NO, all time. Large investors run these votes, and the real valuation of Tesla is the cult of personality and the perceived/alleged magic Elon brings to it. The underlying profits and technology

“Is there a reason you’re going over 100?”

You missed accelerator pedal falling off.

That sounds like one sweet-ass cargo bike! I have a custom Ti road bike that is absolutely beautiful.

He must have had the bed cover open and needed that recharge?