
I’d refer you to another’s commenter’s analogy to an abusive relationship.

I have a vanity plat that is a Simpsons reference (BOOURNZ) and motor vehicles called me to interrogate me about what it meant, and I had to walk them through the scene in The Simpsons where the crowd is booing Mr. Burns. I think he found it kind of funny, and plate approved!

So my grift/idea for [BIBL4SL] won’t fly then?

Aquaplaning?  As if any of these garage queens have ever seen a raindrop, much less a wet road, much less a wet road at speed.

Slow clap for this long response.

Thank you Europe.  At least someone is looking out for even the minimal semblance of sanity.  I read the phrase “touch screen wipers” in some comment, here, good god could there be a worse method?!?

An early HS girlfriend of mine, her sister’s BF has one of these, and we used to ride to the mall, pool parties, bowling, etc. in that back seat. If I could relive the summer of ‘91 on an endless loop...those were the days.

It turns out we do have such a system, it’s call seatbelts! Nearly 50% of the vehicle occupants killed in crashes were not wearing seatbelts, and those morons make up a mere 10% of the people killed, so their death rate is like 10X an unbelted person. Throw in the drunks killed (albeit a good Venn overlap with the

My wife’s MB has this, and it is great. However, the dimming feature of the interior instruments is just terrible and embarrassing for MB. The level goes from super bright to barely-less super bright, such that I don’t like driving it at night. Contrast to my GTI where the dimming almost turns the interior totally

Stick an Apple Air Tag (or Samsung equivalent...?) in your checked bags.  It’s very comforting to always be able to see where it is.

I agree.  It took the alleged professionals to escalate this situation to a point where a man could have been killed.  these guys must be dumb as rocks, this could have been solved in a dozen less risky ways, and yet they chose this.  Pathetic.

This is America, the police have level of operation, and one level only: DEFCON 1, escalate everything, damn the consequences for society, damn the consequences for the adjacent public, damn the disproportional consequences for the subject/victim, claim immunity later.  Rinse and repeat.

What, like a white trailer crossing in front of you against a light-colored sky?  Never happens.

I’d imagine something like this?

Exactly, the math here assumes depreciation to $0. Me personally, I buy the car I want and assume I will keep it forever, so resale is not a factor for me; I have had two daily drivers since 2000 and the first of those only got totaled by a deer. Wife has had 3; one got sold because her knee no longer allowed her to

What does this article mean by “EV”:

No amount of marketing is going to make me contribute a single penny to Elon’s bottom line.

And Lance hits Daniel and gets meaningless 10 seconds.

PA has a no-helmet law.  I see Harley riders stopped a the PA-MD border removing/adding helmets.  As others mentioned, we can only hope they are organ donors (no livers, though).

Insurer’s should deny coverage for anyone who willfully forgoes a helmet. Same with seatbelts, IMO.