
I briefly looked at Drexel, but 90's me was saw the male:female ratio was like 70:30 and made the high-school choice to say hell no! :-) So instead I went to Lehigh which was a more reasonable 65:35! :-D

Haha, I’m just an engineer, although am an amateur tax enthusiast and do volunteer for the IRS’s low income tax program (VITA). We certainly do not see this type of deduction with the people we work with, although we do sometimes get capital losses like you state. I think what I have realized is that actual tax

Very true! My wife started an LLC 6 years ago and ran a small loss the first 2 years, but has been profitable since. And yes, I think the rule of thumb is losses in more than 2 of any 5 years will raise your audit threshold. And rightfully so, too many people think their hobby is a business and try to skirt taxes.

My wife has a Mercedes, and while it’s too expensive in every way possible for what it is, I will say the dealer experience is insanely high end and customer focused. It’s like a building full of Yes Men/Women. I’ve parlayed her loaners into some longer work trips just by telling them we’ll have the loaner back in 2

But do you need to have profits? You can run a single member LLC at a loss (on paper) and get a tax refund against W2 income taxes. Or even if the LLC is your sole job, I think you can still do a loss carryforward to offset taxable income...forever.

I’m a civil engineer and the materials science class I took in college (the 90's!) was one of my favorites. Just too much chemistry for me and it didn’t click enough for things I could not “see”, but I did and still do find it fascinating!  Would not surprise me if TSLA used an inappropriate grade for this...or

I’m at 155,000 miles on my 2016 and no issues so far. I do change the oil every 7,000 miles myself, and more often when tracked, and otherwise take great care of it. Hoping to get another 150K from it at least, but will probably need a new clutch at some point. This engine has just been slowly evolved over time, so

Dave Ramsey caters to financial smooth brains, and with more than a hint of Prosperity Gospel and “Christian” principles in finance and money management. He’s like a full Bingo card of rube grifting.

“1. A story guy, not a data guy. A story guy doesn’t care what’s true or accurate, he just loves a good story.”

I agree, nearly all modern sporty cars are way too fast on a public. Even my GTI can get me arrested extremely easily. I used to track it, and that really shows what fast and aggressive can be, and I look at a public road and think, if I even went 70% of how I’d hit that on a track, I’d have zero outs and if a kid or

Haha, I have a MK7 GTI so got one of the good ones.

Didn’t you see, some people, some times, sit in traffic. And because of that, they see zero reason to build manuals!   Case closed, good day sir!!!

The title is reference a Soviet attempt at this. Terrifying. And naïve to think this stuff is still not war-gamed behind the scenes:

LOL, was thinking the same! ;-)

But at the time, Little Boy & Fat Man were any - and all! - the nukes in the arsenal, so, technically it was first!

I mean, the B36 has 10 engines, and 10>8, but whatev’s. It has 4 turbojets under the wings in addition to the 6 radial piston engines visible in the photo. Fun Fact: it has has the largest tire ever fitted to an airplane!

Nah, it’s just 5 years away!

Didn’t even mention the difficulty of trying to get a meal in town:

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

I literally just saw the opening 10 minutes of this movie this past weekend.  Timely.  G’day mate!