
Yeah, burning through tires at 2X the rate, yikes.


I’m beyond tired of the clickbait $50,000 for the “average” car. There a plenty of models below $30,000 that meet the needs of 90% of the population. A new Civic or Corolla is light years better than their counterparts from 10 years ago and can be had for under $25,000. Plenty of small CuteUtes, too, if you need the

The real issue is probably not one of practical safety, but one of, once again, Tesla just feels that established rules do not apply to them. Every other automaker gets this established, easy and non-controversial issue right, and Tesla just says, nah, ‘eff it, we’re going to disrupt warning gauges for the hell of it.

Yeah, we are square in the demographic for income and have a house with a garage where we could charge it. But I will never, ever buy a Tesla thanks to his act. My wife is a visionary though, as years back I tried to convince her to put down a $1,000 to reserve the (new) Model 3, and she was like Hell No, not a dime

My very wealthy direct supervisor-who like actually rich people does not present that way - has like a 5 year old Lincoln SUV, MKX maybe? Anyway, while his wife normally drives it, he was begrudging one time he had to drive it to a client meeting and was worried the client would think we were charging too much. I was

Fast charging at home is a non-starter for 99% of homes, other than some crazy custom place. And more importantly, standard voltage into a home is 120/240 single phase. Fast charging needs like 480V or more, so you need a dedicated transformer which your utility company will almost certainly not do. And eve if they

Elon dabble in stock manipulation, pump & dump, insider trading, etc.?  Never.  Or I mean, several times already, but never again!

That is insane. In PA we do have Uninsured Motorists coverage, but that is only if the jerk that caused it has no insurance. It’s nuts that an insured person could hit you...and it’s still your problem. I’ve heard a huge percentage of MI drivers just do not have car insurance, and at these rates, I can see why. The

Yeah, Catholic school myself in the 80's and 90's. Thankfully was somehow never an alter boy.

They’re...actually not all that great and pious as you think they are.  Live near Lancaster PA...

I absolutely can’t stand the plastic cladding around the fog lights on the 7.5. I have a 2016 MK7 which I bought new, but I suppose if I’d been shopping 2 years later they would not have killed the deal at all, I just hate them.  As I hate 99.99% of black plastic anywhere on cars.

VW: We screwed up all the things people liked about the GTI (knobs, dials, buttons, clutch pedal, reasonable price, non-stupid looking fog my MKVII).

Cladding is so low rent. It looks like garbage on 99% of vehicles. Nobody is taking that thing off road any faster than 5 mph, and even then it’s a gravel road to the winery. And it’s not like anyone would tolerate driving around with the cladding torn or beat up from actual off road use because then your $200K car

Even in this state, that black plastic cladding around the wheel wells is still the most hideous thing about that car.

The ineptitude of Condo Associations and HOAs in Florida it truly epic.  Lots of good stories out there.  These places are a financial time bomb for so many people.

I agree, the Bills and their fans are incredibly likeable. The times their fans have donated to opponents’ charities is a very cool feature. I’m an Eagles fan, and even at games I can’t stand the stereotype so many of My People play into. Booing our team (and Santa...and that halftime show dog that dropped a frisbee)

Agreed, my GTI is a switchblade and it is relaxing to open and close it, fidget style.

We were a Camry Family in the 90's when I learned to drive (once we sold the Tercel and Gremlin), and I always thought the 2 separate keys (which seemed to be an American car thing) was dumb and annoying.  And you’re right, they made like 10 versions of key, so you could access a lot of cars with one key by trial &

Same key as our pedestrian GLC300 :-)