
Who do I have to bribe to cancel this shit street race?

Early MKVII GTI’s without the Sport Package [like mine :-( ] have the e-diff, but Sport Package have the real LSD. I’ve tracked my 2016 a bunch, and pads and RBF fluid were always on the agenda (I run slotted rotors too), and the brakes were always “fine”, even in the humid summers of the mid-Atlantic. But I would

Ah yes, the serial speeder, car-crasher, Marine-paralyzer, and DUI-offender - most recently in November! What an all-around dirtbag.  All enabled by Terry himself.

I was actually thinking of the the ads for the MR2 Turbo for “Faster than a Ferrari” where the Ferrari was the 348. That and the Mondial represent the nadir of Ferrari. But those 2nd generation MR2's still look fab today!

That sounds like a great place to be! And I have no doubt your security and satisfaction are also a function of your willingness to do the evil “above and beyond” when it’s needed. I know mine is. A good job is always somewhat of a give and take, and if it’s not, then yeah, people need to move on, or maybe try to force

More money than brains (and talent) is nothing new in the world of expensive cars.

I’m 23 years at my engineering company, and I love it to. We are privately held, which includes me, and as an owner I do what is needed and when. But I have a lot of power to control that, and the power to say NO when I have to. It’s sad the amount of chronic griping about work in seemingly every situation these days.

Exactly. I have Teams on my iPhone (I had no idea it was not on Android?), and in my role I am both “important” enough, and compensated pretty damn well, that I make myself available outside normal work hours, for several reasons. One, I AM being paid like it. And two, it often moves things along a lot faster than if

Exactly, it was attributed to old tires...which Porsche in any sane world would have had zero liability for...and yet they paid an (undisclosed, but likely $$$$$) settlement. So what’s to stop yet another frivolous money grab? In America? Nothing is to stop it.

Paul Walker’s estate has entered the chat. Because what’s better than a lot of money from Porsche? Even more money from Porsche.

I heard an interview from a former NASA higher-up the other day. He made the point that if NASA had as many failures as Space-X, congress would have cancelled their budget in a heartbeat. So there is a reason NASA takes a long time and costs a lot of money, their financial overlords have zero tolerance for failure and

So we’re still doing this, huh?  Ok.  If there’s anything more sad than a Mitsubishi dealership, it’s going to be a Fisker dealership.

Treelaw? I’ll have to hop over from my r/birdlaw feed.

I tend to agree. You can’t just go work on or damage a property because someone told you so, you have an obligation for some level of due diligence.

“...and questions and answers will be deleted immediately.”

Get out of here with your actual math. I demand to be outraged!!! :-)

When then I would call that a “them” problem and not a problem with the market. The narrative is always “cars are too expensive”...and while, yeah, cars are expensive relative to most other life costs, they are not nearly as expensive as all the hand-wringing tries to make out.

They might help you become “ridiculously long and girthy” though, so there’s that.

So many great cars for less than $35K, and many less than $30K. So can we finally end all crying and sensationalism about “the average car costs almost $50,000!!!”? Yeah, stupid giant trucks cost $80K for some reason, but Joe & Jill Average can just buy one of these vehicle and not get that 84 month loan.

Sounds like you are better off waiting tables then and complaining about your student loans.