
While the last sentence of this article is not exactly great PR for ATC, I’m going to offer up - for any of you with kids wondering about a career path, college debt, etc., ATC training is offered at a bunch of schools at a fraction of the cost of traditional college and the pay and job stability are great (in that

I think until the root cause is determined, that caution is best. This surely feels like an incursion by the CG aircraft. And if so, why? Was there a significant failure of local surface radar (ASDE-X), or runway entrance/status lights, or some other incursion-control safeguard? Was someone in the ATCT drunk? There

Forgot the /s on that response. First, the recent study showing Tesla’s get into more accidents than average, which, whatever. But of course the real elephant in the room, that Autopilot accident rates are always compared against total miles by all cars in all conditions, and never broken down to direct-compare to

Crazy though that a car from 40 years ago employing the same problematic material looks so much better. They actually look finished and tight. Just needed another 200 HP (+/- 16,240,000 HP for time travel).

What, just giving up after Bird 1, Bird 2, and Bird 3?

Slow clap for that GS-R.

I will chalk this up to the first ever miscommunication in the history of the internet! :-)

I mean, I agree with what you say here, but I don’t see how this response relates to my comment. My point was a drunk driving girl crashed into a cop station and got out on $40 bail, and here the cop crashes into his club and they are holding him without bail, i.e. imprisoned with no conviction; guilty until proven

So that drunk teen who crashed her car into the police station gets a $40 bail, and this guy is held without bond? ACAB is right. And I know the cops don’t set bail, but they do routinely lie about the circumstances of the incident to increase the chance of that denial.

Right, seems nobody in this story can drive a car.  Then again, nothing good happens after midnight.  Make good decisions kids.

But the Cyber rules appear to apply to all cars, so even your DIY Skoda is no more.

I watched this entire thing a few years ago.  Chilling.  Yeah, don’t say anything.  Ever.

Just when I think the police have reached peak corruption, they go and outdo themselves with creative thinking like this. America’s largest untouchable gang always striving to improve their grift. Respect the dedication and creativity.

Shot him dead for no good reason after escalating a situation? I guess she did act like a cop.

Because while he has a lot of money, much like Mr. Burns, he’d give it all up for a little more.

Because only the kid was named Quantavious.  The officer was a Scott or a Mitch.

What might be counterintuitive to people is that in an airplane, things generally happen much slower than in a car. Time-critical items in an airplane are airspeed (to avoid stalls) and bank angle and attitude (both relating to stalls). And these are clearly and immediately conveyed on the screen. Most other things

I mean, maybe, but that blue interior is horrendous. So props for all the technical skill to create a hideous product? All I want is like, 3 or 4 actual colors to choose from on normal cars, so I shall remain bitter until the market delivers on my demands.

I design and consult for airports, and have my private, although I don’t fly anymore but still right-seat a lot in company planes.  I don’t love the act of flying enough to do for a living either, but it’s very handy for my job.  Why airlines do what they do is always interesting, and even after 2+ decades I’m always

I’m a middle age upper-middle class white guy who looks the part, and while I’ve been pulled over I think 7 times in my life, none have been bad. Go figure.