
Door handles that open doors are not disruptive enough.

There was a gas explosion in a house outside Pittsburgh about 3 weeks ago. Completely obliterated the large suburban house, I mean 100% shrapnel and a crater, the shock wave knocking things over for hundreds of feet away. And 99% destroyed the houses either side. Caught on several doorbell cams and it looks like a

Yeah, it only “slows down your reaction time”, good thing you don’t need that while driving. Just because you might have this sweet, mellow Jeff Spicoli high in no way means it is acceptable, or safe. I’d prefer you not go plowing into suddenly-slowing cars or kids who run into the road due to your diminished reaction

High number of peach and eggplant emojis in this text thread...

I go through here a few times a year. It sucks from every perspective. It’s an interesting story about how it came to be with the refusal to grant the direct intersection between I70 and the PA Turnpike.

By what metric is SF the 5th largest city in the country? By population, it is 17th (per Wiki). If you add the population of San Jose, you get to 5th, but that would be quite the reach, like calling DC & Baltimore the same city. Even adding Oakland gets you to 9th ahead of Dallas. And even if you consider Metropolitan

Who was the owner again?

The first time we flew into CDG, about 10 years ago, for about the first 5 miles leaving the airport we must have seen 10 cars pulled over and monsieur’s oui oui’ing on the side of la rue.  I do love France, but take it into the woods at least.

Star for that user name :-D

“And if you think TN is bad, look at its southern neighbors”

(sits down to eat lunch and opens Jalopnik and spies banner headline...) Good god almighty!

I will not be satisfied until the steering wheel is also a touchscreen, like a digital volume slider bar, and you slide the bar left or right to turn.  You can drive with a single fingertip, so innovative!

Right, this is the math that blows up a lot of the arguments to fast EV transition. Not to mention there is still zero sign of any EV competing on price with the Corolla’s and Civic’s of the world.

I’ve got a spreadsheet that tracks ever dollar we’ve spent on our cars; except gas, I use an estimated MPG + gas cost (too much work). Consider our 5.5 year old 2018 GLC300:

We had a 2012 TDI Sportwagen with the DSG. I agree, it is amazing, shifts were crazy fast, I loved it. As an automatic. But there is a joy and engagement in the foot & arm dance to rowing your own gears that is not there with any DSG, PDK, or whatever. And I track my GTI, and I’m guessing all the armchair pundits of

More like Dead Letter Office.

I own a 2016 GTI manual, bought new.  I will never buy an automatic one.  

Great info!

Philly checking in, can confirm same. They’re even glorified a bit in “Creed”, although that scene is pretty awesome.