
I think the Hummer is programmed to accelerate harder when it senses a human in front of its giant hood.

Interesting take on the Broken Window Theory here. On one hand, repairing that window will generate jobs, and taxes, and utopian prosperity for this entire town. And on the other, we all know the Altima will never be repaired, thus doing nothing for anybody.

I lived in Richmond, VA for 13 years. A snow there was paralyzing because they did not plow anything. A “blizzard” would often close entire developments for days once 12" of unplowed snow froze in place. I now live in PA (where I grew up), where is snows a lot more, but I almost never drive on snow because the plowing

Let’s be honest, those parents aren’t paying attention at the wheel anyway, so any pretense of “avoiding” an accident is moot.

VinFast is just another division of VinGroup. VinGroup is super creepy, they are sort of like MomCorp from Futurama, they have their hands in everything in Vietnam. Pick a sector, literally any business sector you can think of, and there is a Vin-sector for it. Cars, phones, schools, supermarkets, medical, energy,

Not with all those stickers on the back, that’s a personal vehicle.

Sounds like an edge case there.  Although there are plenty of folks born on 3rd base who think they hit a triple, I’m not sure it’s a solution that’s going to allow people to buy houses, feed kids, and maybe go to the doctor once every 2 years.

Is there some other way you’d propose to make $170k annually?

Silicon Valley taking “Move Fast & Break Things” to a new level here.

No matter how rich I was, I’m not sure I’d want to “own” a yacht seized from a disgruntled Russian oligarch.  You’d be sailing on borrowed time before it gets raided and stolen back, or worse.  Best bet here is to sink these things.  Will also be better for the yacht-building economy, more jobs!  It’s win-win-win.

“we explored advanced infotainment, whole life connectivity”

I can afford any Tesla, and would/will never buy one due 100% to Musk. The more car people can afford, the more price inelastic they become. Do you really think people are looking to save $10k or more on 6-figure purchases, to settle for a car they don’t want or which makes them sick to their stomach? At that level,

Good news everybody! It turns our all of our senators are not older than the invention of television! Just the invention of color television.

The current issue of Car & Driver has a large chart comparing all the EV’s they’ve testing showing advertised range against real world (I think it was constant 75 mph). At the very left of the chart, at 30% below advertised, were all the Tesla’s, the worst performing of all EV’s. I recall VW and Audi were right on the

Nah, sometimes you just gotta move fast and break things. Even if those broken things are the driver’s spine or the family unit in the minivan you just T-boned.

I love how the guy complaining about violating the noise standard does not even know the standard. He just “thinks” it’s somewhere between 60 and 80. Does it have hours? Is it weighted for time of day? Is it measured at the property line? 100' from the line? Measured against ambient background noise? Totally a

Reusable rockets, single-use launch pads. Flip the script, consider rocketry disrupted.

I’m gonna have to go with No Tip dawg.

Replacing the spark plugs on my GTI.

I hope your other car had the ASSMAN plates at least.