
I wonder how regional they are. Florida seems notorious for them. IIRC in the John Oliver segment, one of the issues was in Florida HOAs were not setting assessments sufficient to cover capital needs (because the HOA people are elected for their level of free time and ability to be a busybody) and suddenly a

Oof, a story where the towing company is the good guy to your evil, pathetic power trip.  Good luck living this down, Suse.

That segment was brutal.  Have never lived with an HOA, and never will.

So long keyboard, thanks.

Very fair point on that. But the mileage and the “fun” factor were still huge disappointments. The car also warped its front rotors constantly and needed a bunch of replacement HVAC and fan parts (warranty), so even its Honda reliability was suspect. Have not had those issues in any of the Toyotas, VWs, and MBs we’ve

2009 Honda Fit Sport, manual. Bought it new when my wife’s Jetta 2-point-slow crapped the bed. Had been eyeing it up for her because of the reviews of it being “fun to drive”, and having decent storage. It delivered on the latter, but not the former. Criminally excessive rev hang made that car undriveable at more than

Yeah, I was at an outdoor party west of DC and we heard it. Not quite a rumble like thunder (it was sunny & beautiful) but not a truck either, certainly was a “different” sound as you said. Later that night saw this story.

Part of me wants to believe that too.

If we’re talking incompetence, then the tow truck driver is Exhibit 1B. Parking a ramp in the left lane with no visible warnings before him? There are not even any flashing lights on that truck! People on this site all the time bitch about idiots stopping mid-travel to let a duck cross or because they missed an exit,

Not forgiving the (alleged) Altima here, but I strongly agree.  They have set up a major “Look Over Here!” sideshow on one side of the road, and then parked a vehicle directly in the opposite lane with what appears to be no warning whatsoever?  Not hard to think one would be distracted by all the flashing lights on

Sigh, American drivers...

In their defense, if it’s a CrossTrek, 4 cylinder Outback or Forester, they are possibly already driving as fast as they can.

VinGroup is, if not the larges company in Vietnam, in the top 2 or 3. They are super creepy, sort of like the Mom Corp from Futurama, they have their tentacles in everything. So THEY will be around, but as for their subsidiary VinFast, good question.  And even if so, maybe not in the US.  Someone would need to be

I’m old enough where I used to program my VCR to tape the overnight Japanese GP. I also got Mario’s autograph on a trading card at a K-Mart in 1993! I got to see a race at Nazareth, and attended the 1995 Indy 500. The IRL split were the doldrums for me, I stopped watching both F1 and Indy for over a decade and came

Not that I’m specifically refuting this driver’s account, but is there proof of that? Maybe if I hit someone like this, I just might say the same thing. No different than the tried & true “I feared for my life” that lets seemingly any American shoot any other American (or choke them out).

My buddy with twin 12-year old boys recently introduced them and his 16 year old daughter to The Office, watching the entire series over a few months. He said his boys have begun responding to nearly every comment with “That’s what she said”. Good to see 12 years old’s have not changed a bit since I was one 30+ years

My wife’s Mercedes has 9.  It’s still two too many.

I agree Vegas is also a show pony of a race with no practicality, but at least it’s at a venue with tons of things to do around the track. Now admittedly those things are 99% the same, but still, it’s no parking lot. And it’s at night. Miami from Day 1 felt like a money grab on a stupid track in a stupid location with

Ha, read “A Savage Factory” for the the precursor even to the Probe!  Has Ford even been able to build a decent transmission?

I had a rental Mustang GT with this transmission for about a week. Never has 470-odd HP felt so slow. In normal driving it would be in 5th gear by 35 mph. Want to accelerate? It downshifts to 4th, no 2nd, now back to 3rd. All the while the Geo Metro I was trying to pass has gapped me by 50 feet. Then changing to Sport