
Plot twist - he then sat in the middle seat between the other two.

Waiver?  My man took a BMW to the face!

Did they sign the waiver?

Way to hear what you want to hear.

I agree. I think there is some level of smugness because they think they are breaking revolutionary new ground, going where no man/no-one has gone before if you will, and as a result, failures carry this tone of “this is so hard, you could never understand so we just accept failure because we’re on the cutting edge

Seriously, it’s up there. 

I’ll die before I give up my precheck & Global Entry. Eventually, too many people will get precheck, and they will have to invent Precheck+. And then Precheck++, and so on. Well guess what? I’m paying whatever the hell it takes to stay in that line, so bring it on TSA, and take my money!

Agree, the ID3 does look pretty good, but because it more mimics a GTI. Saw several in London last year. Oh, you live in the US you say? Well then, you’re SOL, it’s lifted, ill-proportioned blobs only for you.

It’s butt, and I’m a VW fanboi.

The police are generally held to no standard.  

Also, my mom is 79.  If a cop ordered her to “get on the ground”, her chances of actually doing that within the next 5 minutes are pretty slim.  These cops are dumb as rocks, and complete assholes.  In a just world they’d pay with their careers, but we all know how it will go down.  ‘Eff these guys to no end.

Seriously, with $60k in hand, how did this not possibly come up? 

My best bud has a 3, and it’s no better than my GTI in terms of space with the seats down.  I’m a former roadie, and a bike in the back of either one of these is a royal pain, better to get a roof rack or install a hitch mount.

That’s how I got introduced to it, and now I always try to get one when I travel.  They are amazingly competent and and ride is pretty good, and I found them to be really comfortable and easy to load with travel gear.

The Soul is often my go-to recommendation for people who “need” an SUV. I had them as rentals a few times and have always been impressed. I’ve “sold” 3 of them so far. I tried to get my mom into one...but literally could not, she’s too short to climb in and a tad older and just could not make it work, so into a

Seriously, it’s like they forgot about it until the 11th hour and just said, “eff it, delete the grill and use a black square. What do people expect for nearly $200k these days.” It reeks of equal parts laziness and poor judgement. That combined with cost-saving capacitive touch crap is like a giant middle finger to

The Evergreen Aviation & Space museum is insane! So well done, with a great collection of Migs and space stuff that is on par with the Smithsonian Udvar Hazy. For those not in the know, this is where the Spruce Goose is; the 747 on the roof is actually right next door at the Wings & Waves waterpark!

One of the single greatest things about my GTI is how frigg’n effortlessly and intuitively CarPlay works.  All the time, every time.  Not that I would ever buy anything made by GM (my best friend owns one of their Firestarter Bolts that he still cannot park in his garage), but this is just one more reason I’ll add to

I mean...

I hate it more.