
Motor Trend had a cool article a few months back about a company offering a “Recurrent Range Score” (google it), that gathers stats on the battery in a car (temps, states of charge, etc.) several times a day, and from that data, estimates future performance of a battery. They say it’s like a Car Fax for the battery. Se

It’s actually a royal pain for an airport to have an aircraft this large squatting on site. Especially in a situation where they will never see Ruble one of that money. And dismantling this and moving it to the crusher is going to be even MORE expensive. Selling it? I’m not sure I want to be the owner of repo’d


It’s not like Max didn’t take out Lewis at Monza as a bit of payback. Lower speed for sure, but decided to wreck him by sticking his car where there was no room and where he never should have expected any room. Shades of Senna/Prost 1989 & 1990 for sure, and yep, F1 loves controversy. Still, few clearer robberies have

I didn’t claim to do ay active research, Top Tier is literally the only reference I have ever seen in terms of purporting fuel quality. My last car went 20 years and 382,000 mile using whatever gas was convenient (except for maybe the really shady looking places...), and died from a deer, not the engine, despite

Saved me a comment.

That is one fast loaf! Can’t stop laughing! This past fall our neighbors found themselves the unknowing abettors of a growing feral cat colony 2 litters deep. Before it got to critical mass, my wife trapped them all and had them fixed. Now the mama and 4 kittens from 2 generations live next door. The 87 year old

Haha, Scandalwagon. We had a 2012 VW Scandalwagon. 6 years, 146,000 miles and zero problems. Loved that car. Sold it back for $9K less than we paid. Maybe we dodged a potential fuel pump issue...

God can only have one favorite nation, the two go hand in hand.

Transpiration? Damn, even their trees are kicking our ass.

The only consistent advice I’ve seen across multiple sources is your best bet is to buy consistently at stations that sell Top Tier rated fuel. Google it to see the names.

Thanks Dr. Nick!


Seriously, compared to the claustrophobic train wreck of an interior on the C8, this is refreshing. The NSX also looks tight and compact in person. Like many here, I too hated it when it first came out because it was not the simple, tossable, free-revving, mind-altering free spirit like the original, but at least it

When you’re too drunk to disapparate home and the broom is in the shop, I guess take the car?

To be fair, this guy appeared so blasted I’m not sure his legs could have carried him that far.  Sort of like the Lambo scene in Wolf of Wall Street, although he managed to not hit anything.

“pre-exhausted”, ha! That describes it well, we know how this will go down.

Also, allegedly came from only 4 blocks away? Then walk, idiot. Or call Uber. Or get a ride, although the D-bags this guys rolls with (since they let him drive in this condition) I’m sure were no better off, and yet also drove home. This guy probably abetted a a slew of DUIs in addition to his own that night.

Yeah, hadn’t considered the group aspect versus solo.

Seems the Red Bull air races are somewhat analogous to this, but they do those in crowded cities, and seemingly way closer to spectators.  I’ve never heard of an incident from those?