Bird Internet

Polly-blend. Lycra Fire. Sweatless Apprentice. (All apologies for bad sweater puns)

We've all been meaning to ask you to stop, please

Is the "more tricks than treats" thing a joke on all the horrible trick/treat headlines I've been seeing for the last month, or is AVC outsourcing to Variety?

"But of course, for that ending to work, you would have to ignore all the Simpson DNA evidence. And that would be downright nutty."

Bobby Cannavale is in 60% of all TV/movies produced today. The other 40 has Oscar Isaac.

The Jimmy Carter speech makes me assume this is actually a new season of The Heart She Holler

I was also working at a video store when this came out (rhymes with "cockluster") and people were given refunds because they were upset it was subtitled. Then giant stickers saying "this movie is in Spanish" were put on all the copies. I quit soon thereafter.

Um, look, I don't know how to tell you this, but…

wtf is starwipe lol

Agreed. Any time I've watched his show its despite him, and because of someone awesome on the panel (John Waters AND Killer Mike together!)

91,000 cans because they stopped being relevant in '91?

Billy Carter / Rick James 2016

Earth was a flat circle all along

Battle of the Rise of the End of the Planet of the Apes of the Secret of the Ooze

Are we still making Necrobutcher jokes about anything remotely related to The Wrestler?

I picture him just sitting on the couch, snapping a big pile of bones while watching TV, just so he could claim that number.

Channing Potatum?

I know Ed Burns entirely as "David Simon's friend" so I thought you meant Homicide was his debut and was going to call the "The Wire" Defender Internet Squad.

Well clearly this guy wasn't using it as a comedy platform.
…because it wasn't funny.
……just like this joke.

I imagine that's how Francis signs his letters:
Dear world,
Everything is cool, stop freaking out about silly shit.