Bird Internet

It's not like we are pulling up someone's MySpace from 2006 before hiring them as a CPA; this was 2-3 years ago on a format many people use as a comedy resumè.

I'm pretty sure I have a copy of that. I'd be willing to sell it for 88.82. (Price is Right rules of economics)

Sad fact: in that episode, Thunderclese sings a song that is clearly has backward vocals. IF you were to record it and IF you were to reverse said recording, the lyrics are "Why are you listening to this song backwards? You could have been on a date with a girl."
…A friend told me that.

Sincere question: do you like her show at all, or any individual bits and feel these are unfunny outliers? Or just not a fan overall?

Eric Clapton: "man I sure am sick of that crazy ass Ginger Baker. No more crazy drummers for me! Anyway, nice to meet you Jim."

That little piano turns up everywhere. I'm surprised it isn't prohibitively expensive or that Joe Jackson hasn't been suing/assaulting everyone on earth (only ~63% of the earths population has been sued or assaulted by Joe Jackson.)

In all fairness, when the drums are that good and the hook is "I got the big beat" it's pretty hard not to steal wholesale. That was after the Wild West days of sampling so I assume Billy got proper pay/credit.

Wonderful name/avatar/comment synergy


You caught me! Bird Internet is a pseudonym for Blue Ivy

Obligatory Kanye defender comment: who deserves it more? (Easy joke replies include Beyoncé, Beck, Taylor Swift.)

Paul Haggis redeemed himself by his loud defection from Scientology / participation in Going Clear

Don Draper had a diary. And 1) he is a gangster and 2) His name is an anagram for "Rap On Dr Dre."

And that is how you go from Dr. Dre to The Ramones… via Benghazi?

You can legally relinquish your cousinhood to him for that.

Well Flanders said it was the best episode of Impy & Chimpy he's ever seen.

But seriously, how was this not just 16 pictures of Seymour from Futurama

When *SPOILER* Poochie dies on his way back to his home planet.

No matter who wins, earth loses