Bird Internet

"Two situations that couldn't possibly be more different?" That's either some crazy hyperbole or you aren't very creative. I think "kittens playing soccer using a kumquat as a ball" is more dissimilar than those situations.


The skipper too.

As an infant who loves violent westerns, I grew up on Bone Tomahawk and Hateful Eight.

The Pokemon shot itself in the back, no foul play suspected, cop is on paid bereavement leave.

In all fairness, he has done a bazillion other videos too. But in even more fairness, they are pretty much all terrible. (A lot of good rappers' worst videos, Britney Spears' Toxic, Backstreet Boys' Everybody (Backstreets Back) and The Thong Song, to pick a few)

Yet we did nothing to stop it. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of toilets is for good men to do nothing." - Me, just now

Ok, so all these people pooled their money to buy their own Brett Ratner. Like a human timeshare?

I'm glad cool people are getting Walk of Fame stars, but why are they getting Brett Ratner too? And are they all sharing him? More questions than answers, AV Club.

Crap, you're right. I forgot he went from the Expendables 3 to Anchorman 2.

Well yeah. If you play Daredevil, you don't get to take over another beloved role in a blockbuster franchise.

Peeeeeeeeeeeiite's Dragon

The fact that a post of a 12 minute video of Billy Crystal paying tribute to Muhammad Ali turned into a long back and forth about rape accusations is proof that the internet is a weird place.
In summation: ALI BOMAYE.

Sure, I think people are capable of lying about pretty much everything. And while I don't think people should instantly believe every potential claim, I think rape is an especially horrendous and arduous process of justice for the (potential) victim. So if you go through all that, you are either telling the truth,

When "the water" just means "a college campus", I think its a problematic argument regardless. I guess that speaks to my general issue with her. I mostly liked her Dear Prudence responses, and I could respect it if she told an individual to "avoid sharks" in a particular situation when she knows the details, but when

I was just put off by what seemed like an ongoing "maybe if college girls don't like rape, they should stop getting drunk" thread throughout a lot of her writing.

I agree Slate is going downhill but I don't miss Emily Yoffe and her rape victim blaming/doubting.

Well at least the new Birth of a Nation looks good and will hopefully hijack the title in people's minds?

But he ain't messin with no broke Eggers