
Fullepisodes on YouTube

Myself and about 18 friends/acquaintances are coming. Splitting two air bnbs. All nasty women, ready to exercise our rights!

Eh, mostly because it’s corny and takes you out of the story. If it’s organic to the plot that’s fine, otherwise it’s uncomfortable. It also makes it hard to recommend anime to new folks who aren’t used to that level of gratuity, sometimes bordering on child pornography.

I stopped seeing a new hairdresser because she asked me if I had siblings, and rather than disclose that my brother died in the last year, I mumbled yes because it was too painful to say no yet. She proceeded to gush about her brothers art or something. I mentioned it on Facebook and a few beauty industry friends

Okay Jessica alba calm the fuck down

Presumably the 41 year old driving approved the plan as well.

It’s been my experience that it is. I’m from the Florida panhandle originally, so I’ve seen a lot of friends live similarly, and they’re oblivious to the abject level of squalor. The first few years I did drugs I enjoyed cleaning and organizing lol, but when I got to the point where I was starting to get comfortable

Yeah, that's true, or both.

Yeah it's recursive for sure.

Using hard drugs like prescription opioids constantly makes you less aware of exactly what a shithole your life is, though. Not everyone that uses drugs lives like this, but most people that live like this are on drugs.

You never know what it’s cut with though, that alone should have occurred to this woman. I highly doubt they're doing pure blow.

I worked as a crap scooper for a zoo vet in northwest Florida as a teenager. I saw exotic birds picking their feathers out, underfed caracals, and the zoo train ran over and killed a gazelle. So no, not all zoos are good.

Welp. I was just talking to my SO about how we needed to finally check Qui out, since we love his trailers and his work with Uchiko. Fuuuuuuuck him now, I’m definitely not shelling hundreds at his restaurant to support him.

Was it Zazel? There were definitely lesbian mermaids in that one.

That doesn’t mean anything at all. Women are conditioned to judge women in the same manner. The book Female Chauvinist Pigs was a great read on the subject.

I’m actually in the middle of watching “WWII in color”, and have a pretty vast understanding of what happened in the European, Pacific, and Russian theatres. If you’re trying to tell me the holocaust had anything to do with the rest of the political landscape at the time, I would suggest you may actually be the one

In a world of Brony dating sites, a man with that kind of deformity would still face issues, you think that the era in which Hitler grew up would be understanding of his issue?

I’m saying it can contribute to his overall psychological issues. Certainly not that it’s the sole reason he was a lunatic with control issues.

That societal demands on the expectations of male sexuality can cause deep mental scarring? What’s stupid about that?