
Right- you know better than my native Cypriot husband. It was before Turkey invaded. You can look it up yourself. You are all a bunch of assholes and you should go f yourselves.

I'm past the alt right. Im a conservative who thinks government should be shrunk not expanded. Better? I am religiously against abortion but I don't think I have the right to tell you not to get one. I hate big Pharma and insurance companies. I think pot should be legal and researched as a viable drug to cure chronic

No, I voted against a lying bitch who has done nothing constructive in the 40 years she's been in politics. I voted against a liar who left people to die in Benghazi. I voted for jobs to come back to the US. Why don't you research Trump. He hasn't always even been a republican. I voted for Trump because he wasn't

You assume too much. I found the AV club on YouTube and they were all about the music. I joined on fb because I thought it was going to be the same thing. Again- the hostility you guys manage to work up for a single person is embarrassingly rude. You can't have a civil discussion. Thanks for the advice on music. I'll

What freaking flag are you talking about. Did I mention a flag? Nope. Don't think I did. True to form- here comes the name calling and the fu's. How original.

F&$k you. That's your go to, isn't it? Anyone who disagrees with you All Trump voters are Nazis. Im betting you don't even know What his platform is because you bothered to read or listen to it but you would vote for a woman who consistently lied about everything. I'm not a Nazi and btw, middle America is getting

You mean like the genocide of Coptic Christians in the Middle East and Africa? That news organizations ignore. Genocide is happening in this world today, but not here. If you're suggesting Trump is going to commit genocide then you are truly a leftist nutcase. If anyone bothered to read his platform instead of just

Quentin Tarantino fan? Seen them all. Pulp Fiction is still my fav.

You've been brainwashed and indoctrinated, Buddy. It's pathetic that you actually believe this excrement. What will you do I wonder, when this country thrives under Trump? What will you complain about then I wonder. He's already brought in more jobs than Obama did in his entire 8 years. He will fix Obamacare and make

All the violence I've seen has come from the left. 95% of the right are neither racist or bigots. You are misinformed

You're a moron.

Yep, you guys are the most intolerant bigoted brainwashed indoctrinated bunch of idiots I've ever seen. Don't bother giving the new president a chance. And BTW he is the legal president and was elected the same way every other president was elected. You guys lost and you're pissed about it. Too bad you can't handle it

Good grief. Now you guys are way too ignorant and are completely biased in your thinking. You are buying into popular opinion of your peers and using political rhetoric as truth. Free speech is all good until they don't agree with you.

Was all about. It happened in the 70's right before the Turks invaded and turned my inlaws into refugees. I'm not confused about history. I know my history from WWII. I may not be up on your terms, but I know my history of the past. I'm not confused on politics. Meaning I know what I believe and I know what works. You

he said to excuse him for not being Civil. How hard is that to understand?

My husband was considered alt right when he was part of a coup that overthrew a socialist government in Cyprus, so excuse me if I understand what the movement he was part of was. I'm sorry I'm not up on the hipster definition of things. Words mean different things to different people. I've seen more things called

I know Milo. He's just a conservative gay man who gets helped on being conservative. He's not what your definition of alt right is. What I thought originally was right and that is that you guys have no real idea what conservatism stands for and are very likely not going to try to understand it. And that's a very sad

I thought I was on a music site. Apparently I need to go elsewhere for new music.

So are you.

Well, guess what? So are we. There are left and right trolls everywhere. And I do take it personally when this many people are downright rude to me. No wonder this country is in such a mess. Half the country can't just be nice to each other.