
Never thought you were. Brietbart while not the only thing I read, is just as legitament news source as Huffpost or whatever it is you read and know has a history of honest reporting

Neither is the Huffpost.

Why don't you enlighten me on the Nazi party.

ok, then I'm far right politically, feel better about yourself now? I'm a conservative. Again, I'm sick of the anti right politics on my music sites. Iwant it to be about the music, period. That's it and that's all.

Maybe so, I am just tired of the name calling and bs and the political rhetoric. I just want the music. Every music sight is so antiright it's an extreme turn off.

At least you were nice about it. I don't mind being enlightened. But none of you have to be rude.

Again? With the insults. Prove my point that you are the most intolerant group of disrespectful children that Ive seen lately. Do you talk to your mother like that. Disrespect and hatred gets you nothing but hated. I guess it plays well in your hipster world, but it will come back to you.

What Nazis? Skinheads? Because I have not seen Nazi's in years. I know there is an American Nazi movement but they aren't big enough to make a blip on the screen. You apparently are worked ng under the assumption that there is more racism in this country than there is.

No, I do not understand your lack of civility. Again, another person proves my point of what a bunch of intolerant people y'all are. If I've used the wrong term, forgive me. I don't think that gives you the right to insult me. I'm not up on the millennial definitions to your made up words. What I do know is I am much

We have the electoral college for a reason. Maybe you should learn why. Popular vote does not get you elected. It's done that way so big cities with high populations of ne party don't elect all of the presidents. You are a mean spirited little $hit who proved my point that you are the most intolerant people in this

Don't tell me to suck it up. I've sucked it up for eight years. Time for someone else to suck it up. And why are you a socialist? Were you not taught in history class that socialism may be a perfect system in theory, but never works in real life and will never work. Are you lazy and just want someone else to pay your

No, that's not right. At least historically. Maybe in your 20 year old mind, that's the alt right. But in my 56 years of experience, that is not the definition. The only people who want all white America are the KKK who are historically democrats, therefore the left. Nazi's were socialists or fascists and they were

I and everyone I know do not use the words feminazis. I've never heard anyone use it but Limbaugh. So it's not my side. But I've been called racist multiple times.

I don't think you know what the alt right means. I know what it has always meant. My husband is alt right and helped overthrow a socialist government in his country. Alt right is the opposite of socialist. Nazis were not right leaning, they were leftists.