
No, they expressly warned Hamas/Gazans not to storm the fence or they’d be met with force.

So you don’t have a solution except to say “EVERY OTHER CIVILIZED COUNTRY FACES RIOTS WITH 10k+ PEOPLE!”

Bye, Hamas lover.

If Somalians are rioting, then yes, I think the use of force is absolutely warranted. In fact, the US did that once.

I don’t think you understand what literally means.

If you’re going to duck that question, answer this one: If a self-identified Independent voter voted for Bush, Jr. in 2000 and 2004, as about 48 - 52% did, are they considered independent or GOP?

They’re not innocent and have been planning this shit for weeks. It didn’t start yesterday. Yesterday, though, was Israel’s 70th “Birthday” if you will so Hamas decided to give them a party as only Hamas can.

Well, is one way to quell a riot to use a fence to corral people?

Francis is still harboring an Australian boy butt-fucker at the Vatican! He’s less evil than some prior Popes but even he has some baggage.

It’s what they do. It’s practically the only thing they’re good at. The Gazans/Hamas have alienated everyone in the region because they’re terrorist shitbags which is why no one in the region gives a shit about this.

Given that you haven’t made a single point yet, I don’t think my argument has crumbled. I think your sad a bunch of Hamas puppets are dying, exactly as Hamas planned and intended, but that’s the extent of what you’ve proven.

OK, then maybe you can explain it to me. If Bush was so loved, why did he not campaign for any GOP candidate at any level from the time he left office until his brother (who got destroyed by a game show host) ran for POTUS?

So your take it to let 10k+ Gazans just breach the fence and waltz into Israel? Wow, I wonder why no one thought that was a good or realistic solution.

Sorry, but the NYT predicted this weeks ago. You can call it “anti-Islamist” all you want, Mr. Hamas, but the article speaks for itself.

Well, what do you suggest? If you have an idea on how to stop 10k+ from rioting and trying to breach the fence now would be the time to share it with us? Given you claim to have the solution to the problem, I’m surprised you’re arguing with me in a comment section but we’ll see.

There’s no “L” to take. Bush/Cheney genuinely are detested among the GOP.

Like what? They have a fence up to separate the Gazans and had the Gazans not tried to breach the fence, none of this would have happened.

Sorry, but the fact you’re pro-Hamas and too dumb to realize you’re doing exactly what it wants you to do doesn’t make anyone else stupid but you.

If they weren’t trying to breach a fence, they wouldn’t have to worry.

Yes, you keep repeating a lot of horseshit. I’m glad you recognize it!