
Not trying to run against the pack here, but I reread the article, pretty unbiased and lacking in snark. They're posting this article because it is NEWS and this is a NEWS site. I don't find this hilarious and I don't mock him or laugh at his situation. But this is an interesting story that is developing and I don't

Was this a play on words because to the man's hip surgery? Or were you truly entertained?

I want to opposite-of-heart you.

"The more sex I have,

Rush Limbaugh's a pig.

I just have to express how good truffle fries are. You should try them!

Now playing

I don't know if anyone has posted this yet. But it is "fucking epic."

I've never been nominated before! That means a lot.

So they can also fire male employees for buying condoms, right?

So they can also fire male employees for buying condoms, right?

So they can also fire male employees for purchasing condoms?

I'm siding with the employers here. If the rule is "No religious pendants or symbols on jewelry" and as long as it covers all bases, not just crosses but also the star of david, etc.

You're right, it could have been worse. Remember Rihanna's defensive tweet back in December? RiRi should have had her publicist tackle that one like Kim was "smart" enough to do here.

It was a 2-hour flight (Phoenix to Austin) and this ridiculousness went on for about 45 minutes. So it could have been worse. I just put in my headphones and concentrated on my Game Boy. (POKeMON FTW)

I was on a flight where a full-grown man had a bouquet of helilum balloons, and spent an absurd amount of time speaking in high-pitched voices. His friend traveling with him laughed and laughed. The rest of us did not.

My tits don't touch either. My friend and I coined the word "aloofage" for what I have, that is, the opposite of cleavage.

I think it's sweet! Plus in the picture he's got his hands on her arm, not groping her body in inappropriate places, and the kiss is far away from her mouth. I'd be okay with it.

What I wouldn't do for a pair of black jeans that stay BLACK, and don't turn into a faded grey ickiness after the first wash.

That is so sweet, I'm glad you've found someone who doesn't take your laundering for granted!

John Mayer has undeniably become the poor man's Johnny Depp.