
I agree that she was absolutely stunning in that filmreel, the black and white camera really made her look like an old-time french actress. Stunning.

I laughed out loud when he was on the phone with Megan's mom and said "What's a Regina?"

I grew up in Tucson. It is (or was) a fairly liberal town, especially if you go into the downtown area, lots of hippies and college kids. The government in AZ is fucked, but the desert is a beautiful place. I hope it goes well for you!

That's an incredible story. I was raised mormon, and in a family of 5 kids, 5 aunts/uncles, dozens of cousins, myself and one cousin are the only ones who left the faith. My leave was my own choice, I didn't agree what the religion stood for. But my cousin was kicked out of his parent's home and excommunicated from

I got duped once by a lipstain called Coral. I picture coral as a warm orangey pink, but it was more of a shade of brown once applied. Shiesty Revlon! Played me like a fool.

I loved how in this episode Joan and Peggy both had money thrown in their faces (literally, in Peggy's case), and Peggy was the one who chose to walk away from it. Peggy is my heroin(e)!

Seal approves.


Salt and vinegar! Salt and vinegar! I will chant this from the rooftops.

That is ultimate cuteness. When I got in trouble, my parents would take my books as punishment. Once in high school they took my DaVinci Code away right at a climactic part of the story. DEVASTATED.

My wonderful long-term boyfriend wants kids some day, but I find it hard to contemplate having a kid when I had to make a "chore calendar" for the two of us so he would know which days to clean out the cat box.

Roger says "Sterling Campbell Draper Price" as a joke regarding Campbell's self-boasting in the elevator, but could that also be foreshadowing?


Now playing

This is my second "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" reference today. I cannot promise that it is the last.

This is my response to what you've chosen to wear.

The man. Never. Spills. His drink. In the episode when they're in a high speed chase with the cops and their car flips upside down, Julian steps out of the car, drink in hand, not one drop spilt. God I love this show.

I might be too late on this thread, but I GOT LASIK SURGERY ON FRIDAY!

I just got hot hot neon pink at the salon last week. My stipulation for the shade was "has to be so bright it hurts my eyes." I am also curious as to WHY it is illegal. I might just rush home and take it off, for fear of toxic poisoning or cancer or god knows what.

Is that Katie Holmes or is Tom Cruise looking into a mirror?

This is a completely different situation of a trans person. Those people are born male in the body of a female, or vice versa. This woman was not born a Barbie Doll, but born in the body of an average-looking woman, thus justifying her extensive mody modifications. Is that what you truly believe happened here?