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    I’m gonna go ahead and not Google the legal implications of children under 14 of the same age having sex together. I don’t need to be on that list. 14+ have age difference exceptions to the law here, so if they’re the same age obviously is would fit under “unless they are less than 2(3? I forget because I’m an adult

    In theory, but I’ve been trying to sell it for 5 months. I’ve even tried giving it away by letting the local food bank know that if one of their clients is able to fix it I would sign it over to them. It’s enough of a mess that it needs to go to someone with some reno experience and tools to be worthwhile.

    I didn’t give them money. I am now the owner of a very sad mobile home that we were supposed to repair together with my savings and our combined effort. They would have qualified for social assistance that would have covered the monthly expenses of living there, I would have been renting it to them a little below cost

    Oh he expressed himself. With snide comments three days later, instead of with honest conversation. If you want to be yelled at in a grocery store for asking a loved one if they got a mosquito bite, because they hear it as “you have a gross pimple and I’m disgusted by your appearancefeel free to do so. I didn’t

    Haha yeah that’s not gonna work. It’s two grand and they’re homeless and unemployed. It was for a place to live that they decided a few days before the move they didn’t feel like living in. Probably because they don’t know any drug dealers in that town. And they constantly sympathy post on Facebook about how they’re

    Haha I know that feeling. I’m sick enough that I can pretend my lack of friends is from unavoidable social isolation but it’s pretty much bullcrap. I never had friends. I’m too far into the Weird and I am more honest than most people actually want to be around, even a casual How’s it going ends up awkward.

    Sorry for my false guess, then. I worry too much about strangers when they’ve usually got it more figured out than I do. Sorry your friend is shitty, I hope a more considerate person steps into their role soon. Maybe even at the same party, just for fun!

    Well I’m not saying any of those things. From my reading on this page she was 33 at the time, which is why I used the numbers 33 and 17 (these two ages given in the article)as an unacceptable age difference in romantic relationships right in my comment. To indicate that I wasn’t supporting this person’s actions.

    Well tonight we figured out I was having a pretty typical bad reaction the last few days to a new medication. I just thought I was sleep deprived! So if anything didn’t make sense (or from what I can tell, way too intense for stranger conversation), sorry!

    Yeah every time I heard a new thing about the therapist I would have to hold myself back from a rage fit. To decide that a perfect match in terms of symptoms is ridiculous, and instead diagnose over ten concurrent and less accurate conditions is reckless.

    Sorry in advance, I’m just trying to help here. This quote from you seems like it could use some additional critical thinking when you’re in a calm space. I’m sure there are other factors behind your feelings than this one statement, but it’s concerning.

    I’m not sure that it’s fair to equate soothing emotional pain with pursuing her pleasure? Trying to crawl out of a hole is very different than seeing if you can hike that pretty mountain.

    Even disregarding testing after death, it’s surprisingly hard to get a reasonable chance of poisoning yourself properly. Mostly people just get really sick and end up locked away with a useless organ or two.

    At camps and cabins away from municipal anything, yeah. I used one last summer. I was not a fan of the concept at all, but we were in a national park, they did what they had to do. I think it ran off propane or something?

    He’s still learning to be open, and I’m still learning to not be so afraid. Honestly, as soon as I figured all this out I pretty much started to tell everyone and explain it, you never know when one person needs to hear, read, or overhear this kind of information to turn their whole world around. I know it did for me.

    I feel like that portion is her trying to convey that no matter what she did, she should still be given the chance to speak out against the sexual abuses she received. She just decided to lump it in with “and he’s a liar liar pants on fire” so it’s not going to work well for her.

    Yeah I always struggle a little bit with the solid line between 17-18 and I much prefer those laws that allow for a small age gap. A 60 year old shouldn’t be with a 17 year old and neither should a 33 year old, but a 19 year old shouldn’t be in trouble for the same act.

    It means they can’t do it without consequences if good people record and report.

    I didn’t say it didn’t happen. I said I believe that it is not the law to allow a random cashier to give a pat down, and the employee was overstepping and should have been fired.

    Yeah because it’s clearly the patient’s fault that they have medical needs.