Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

This is the man who gave us Grover, Elmo, Oscar, and Kermit Tully. 

But it did help broaden the Train Coming Into Station universe.

After we pronounce him man and knife! 

Those greys replying to me sure are willing to be against human rights to make a bad point.

Boy, that is a weird take on Lolita that JK has got. It is definitely a very well-written book, and no, it’s not pornography. But jesus fucking christ, it’s not a love story (not even, really a love story from Humbert’s point of view because he’s such an unreliable narrator [and, you know, a creepy pedophile]).

Watching JK Rowling’s journey from someone who had a slightly bad take on trans women and a narrow mindset on women = people who have their periods (which is also not a great take for all the cisgendered women with fertility issues) to an out and out transphobe calling all trans people predatory is one of the most

This pop culture writing equivalent to Smiths getting back together!

And the only scandals associated with nickelodeon was that an actress might show too much of her ankle!

Terf juice isn’t just addictive, it’s terminal.

The man has 100x the goodwill JK had before she came down with terminal terf brain, she is once again picking a fight she cannot win

A real humdinger of a whopper!

Every now and again, I hear a new Hunger Games book or movie is coming and I just think “good for Suzanne.”

JK Rowling is fucking insane and should never be listened to anymore. Nobody should pay her any attention (or any money, please). And for the love of god, Warner Bros Discovery, stop making that Harry Potter show, nobody wants it, and you already have Timothy Hunter.

That’s literally Scrooge McDuck she’s arguing with, and even he’d rather take time off from pissing about in a bathing suit in a cash vault to call her out on her bullshit.

That is the thing, its all hypothetical “think of the women” bullshit with the terfs. They find one case where someone , who may or may not actual be trans, does something wrong and then they say “Look, this is all trans people everywhere!!!!”. They also cherry pick data worse then climate change deniers.  

female prisoners incarcerated with convicted sex offenders”

I like the contrast between Tennant responding to questions concisely and truthfully and JK Rowling clearly over-complicating the context of his answer to give herself an opportunity to virtue signal and feign concern over something completely irrelevant to what she is responding to. 

Joanne’s lack of awareness coming into play again, as the irony of her referring to human rights advocates as Taliban, an entity that imposes the death penalty on LGBT people. Lady, you are the Taliban, you might as well start insisting women shouldn’t be allowed outside or to drive a car if your so-called interest in

When asked for comment, the BDU (British Dementor’s Union) spokesghoul had this to say:

She’s a bigot. When your bigotry alienates people who used to respect you, the only people left are other bigots. The bigotry of the other bigots reinforces and intensifies your bigotry. That’s basically how racist Facebook uncles are born.