Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

I have a hard time imagining Hepburn in Marnie... Now, she probably could have been terrific in Julie Andrews’s part in Torn Curtain...

In my fantasy timeline, her success in My Fair Lady would have convinced the studios to hold off production of Sound of Music and Poppins in order to have her do all three.

Hey look, it gets pretty dark here in my corner, and my drinking and smoking schedule doesn’t leave a lot of time for Bad Boys sequels.

I get that Wahlberg was at the height of his fame at the time, but casting him in a role originated by CARY FUCKING GRANT was such a bugnuts idea.

Thank YOU!

Jesse, this is wonderful. Thanks!

Jesse Hassenger?

It’s also the most menacing I think I ‘ve ever seen George Kennedy.

In retrospect, Audrey Hepburn was the perfect star for this period; though she didn’t fully retire at the end of the 1960s, she did almost all of her most famous work in the 15-year span from 1952 to 1967. It’s as if she was acknowledging that she was modern enough for full-color widescreen spectacle yet not

Two For the Road is a very well done end of a marriage film.  Its also maybe the only role where Audrey plays a more antagonistic role.  She has a scene where she basically threatens a child and its great!  Only downside, is the barbs her and Finney throw at each other really does make it feel like a collapsing

Today they are sad tissues.

Willie Mays, Donald Sutherland, and now Wily Taylor.

Never forget

I feel like it’s lazy to use the same theme song as GoT.

Can you imagine being the sound guy for these shows?

Starting the episode at The Wall just reminded me of how awful and rather meaningless the White Walkers became. I’d rather not think about how that ended so I definitely could have done without that opening. A tour of Winterfell would have been just fine

Last year’s was soooo bad lol. I think it was supposed to be Old Valyria but that architecture is pretty obscure even to readers. 

I actually do think that particular child murder on screen would have been too much for many viewers, and cutting away was the right choice.

Honestly, I’ve been reading that as a foreshadowing of Riley’s eventual coming out as gender-fluid right from the start.

“It’s hard to imagine anything as moving as the scenes with Bing Bong in the first film fitting into this one.”