Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

This had me googling like mad to check on DVD, but thank goodness he is still with us (98!!!!). Unfortunately, I do recall that Matthew Garber, who played Michael, died quite young.

A truly unbiased AI understands that everything written on the internet is equally important and true.

So, Google AI is as smart as your average MAGA stooge.

Oh Food Inc. is a far better documentary. I think the Michael Moore/Spurlock style doc that uses half truths and staged confrontations gave a roadmap to the Dinesh D’Souzas of the world to create propaganda disguised as a documentaries but thats another subject entirely.

Not disclosing the alcoholism immediately makes any of his results bunk.

My favorite part of Supersize Me is when he blames McDs for killing his libido, after showing him constantly bickering with his girlfriend about the experiment.

My favorite Onion headline from around the time Supersize Me was in theaters:

It’s somewhat similar to Jamie Oliver crusade over school lunches—there’s a lot to say about it, but he (Oliver) has got so many class blinders that his critiques are more about hating a kind of person than an actual look at the issues. Maybe always an entertainer more than investigator, but the whole of Spurlock’s

Agree with OP that even if he had, the alcohol abuse part makes the effects of his foot intake hazy at best.  Especially if he also decided to become a couch potato at the same time.  

Yeah, I laughed at the twitter discourse as well because I was already 31 when it came out and I had friends over 300 pounds who ate fucking McDonalds every other day and they thought that was normal. Now they are in their 50's and paying for it as well.

Super fitting that his death is overshadowed by the Dogecoin dog dying on the same day.

I saw the twitter dunking and it was mostly being made by people who weren’t even alive in ‘04 when Super Size Me came out. Even at it’s release ‘Oh wow guy eats nothing but Mcdonald’s and gets fat stop the presses’ was a wide criticism of the films concept. But at the time it was pretty hard to know what was being

Supersize Me’s whole premise is like buying a Ferrari and going “Oh, this thing can hit 200mph and I can drive it in traffic? WELL GOSH I GUESS FERRARI WANTS ME TO DRIVE IT IN TRAFFIC AT 200MPH SO I BETTER DO IT.

How bizarre. I’d been following some of the Twitter discourse, too, and I was thinking... did that all come about because he was in hospice or something? It seems like it was just a total, weird coincidence.

Olympic athletes fucking love McNuggets.

You. Me. We get that Crazy Bill Dampier movie petition going.

This is a smear campaign against Max started by the now-adult Feral Kid. Feral Man has unresolved daddy issues with him.

Also, I learned from Rachel Handler’s (far more coherent) Vulture article that Aubrey Plaza’s character’s name is “Wow Platinum”(!), SNL’s Chloe Fineman gets coke snorted off of her tits and Shia LeBouf spends a good chunk of the run time wearing a dress. Then, there’s the whole “person coming out of the audience that

Nation Perplexed as Long-Standing Comedy Tradition Known for Being Mean Spirited Ends Up Being Mean Spirited