Lady Tyler "Bio" Rodriguez

That review should be in the Smithsonian. There were so many memorable third degree burns in that review:

It can’t possibly be worse than True Detective season 2.

Sanders would have won in 2016 and 2020 had his name been on the ballot

They had a showbiz-related falling out. Olbermann missed a DS booking - cancelling at the last minute. Stewart ripped him a new one. New York anchor desks seem to breed at best sharp elbows, at worst kaiju sized egos who do not forgive - and grow nastier with age.

And yet still no story on AV Club about John Oliver offering one million dollars a year (and a state-of-the-art tour bus) to Clarence Thomas if he’ll just “get the fuck off the Supreme Court now”.

The bigger story is, why the goddamn hell did the Attorney General Biden appointed have to pick this guy? Why.”

Yep. Legitimately any other POTUS in this era would *also* be doing some manner of that, if they had been faced with the October 7 debacle.


Remember when Olbermann retired his GQ show after the Mueller report was published? “I’m satisfied that justice will take it’s due course.”

...Yeah? How’d that work out, Keith? 

Because Merrick Garland sucks. He’s repeatedly shown he’s not the right guy for the job.

And this is exactly why I prefer John Oliver now. Not saying he doesn’t address criticism in a funny way as well, but Stewart’s self deprecating shtick has already worn thin and I’m already tired of his segments consisting of “someone says one sentence in a two second clip and then Stewart makes fun of that”. It

What actions has Biden taken that justify invoking the 25th Amendment

Literally anyone with eyes, ears and an unbiased brain can plainly see that Biden is flat out incompetent to be in any position of responsibility

For sure. It’s also I think a totally fair point for the media and Stewart to make, but at the same time, these are the candidates. It’s not like constantly saying “America deserves better” manifests itself into America getting better candidates this cycle. So, make the point Stewart, like seemingly everyone needs to

No one expects Stewart to be a propagandist for Biden the way Tucker is for Trump. It’s just supremely unreal to see the media at large, including Stewart, treat Biden’s age and occaisonal gaffes as if they’re in any way comparable to Trump’s insane, dictatatorial, self-absorbed ramblings.

i didn’t have a problem with him mentioning biden’s age but i found that for his first commentary back, that pointing out that both candidates are old and america deserves better candidates wasn’t some homerun that he, and others, this has been discussed ad nauseam, and will continue to be, until the

Lady Tyler, I think you’ve expressed opinions about popular pirate history books before.

If someone was interested in real pirate history, what three books would you recommend to a layperson?

They were going to “save the world”? HOW exactly? No details at all, huh? Just going to say “micro-organisms”? Well, OK then!

Is this sarcasm?

Igmatiy Vishnevetsky. There was a man who could tear a film a new asshole and make it look classy.