
What are the first two? 1. Alligators 2. Crocodiles

Nobody got swept into or out of office. It's the same people it ever was, they just changed parties like in ever other southern state. Why, even our batshit crazy Republican Governor here in Texas used to be a Democrat back when that was the thing to be.

Who cares, as long as she was in it? Or out of it, even better.

It started with Nixon using the southern strategy to win the south because northern dems wouldn't cater to southern racists. That lead to the pretty much wholesale defection of southern democrats, first with their votes and then with their affiliation, over the course of the next 20-25 years.


Way back in the day Gore was a moderate-right dem who was a bit of a hawk militarily. Then he began to pose a threat to republican office seekers and also took an interest in the environment. The republicans pushed him left and he didn't resist all that much.

And a lot of social issues. As far as I can tell, only one of the parties is trying to make America a theocracy.

When my daughter
Was very young —two or three — we watched the 101 Dalmatians satire episode together a both just died laughing when all the puppies were coming out of everywhere and eating Homer's chips. When a toddler and an adult can both enjoy humor equally that's good humor.

I've always found the phrase "Shorter than the guitar solo in a Natalie Merchant song" to be very useful when trying to describe something of very short duration.

Wait! We have an election coming up, so it might be that other guy…what's his name? Uh…mumbly Joe…oh! Bob Dole.

Didn't you see the news yesterday? Fox News' PR department employs people to post on comment boards using numerous aliases. They have to represent for their high ranking nut jobs.

Barbara Eden circa her guest appearance on the Andy Griffith show as the manicurist at Floyd's. Yowza.

My great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather founded Rhode Island so…wait, what was the question again?

I think the point was to see just how weird a cartoon could be. Ren and Stimpy has always seemed to me like the Emperors New Clothes. There were plenty of other cartoons of that era that I enjoyed more. Rocco's Modern Life comes to mind. It was weird, but it wasn't one long string of non-sequiturs. Courage the

Does anyone remember a movie called What's the Matter with Hellen? starring Shelley Winters and Debbie Reynolds? That lady went batshit crazy. But the example I would cite for this discussion is not a descent into personal madness but into a world that has gone insane: the Eternal City chapter of Catch 22. I love the

Speaking only about the Beatles catalog, I preferred the McCartney songs to Lennon songs when I was younger, but as I've aged I find I like the Lennon songs more. Paul McCartney certainly knew how to write a hit song, but his target audience as a Beatle seems a little broad to me now. John Lennon's Beatle compositions

Hey, the tram is pretty cool. Albuquerque is also the hometown of Neil Patrick Harris and Jim Everett, the one-time NFL quarterback who kicked Jim Rome's ass on TV for continuing to call him Chris Evert. Also, it's where I got laid for the first time, so there's that.

Blame it on Philadelphia.

Can't tell if this is a joke or not. Although it is an interesting entre into a discussion about homophones that are antonyms.

I do agree that Bon Scott AC/DC was a superior product, but Brian Johnson did give us Back in Black, which gave us Shoot to Thrill, which was the best song ever for getting ready to play football back in the day. That, or Mob Rules by RJD era Sabbath.