
As a melting Jazzface, so many, many come to mind.


Stray Observation: As W. C. Fields would say, I'd rather be here than Philadelphia.

i see what you did there. Points.

totally. we have our new laura palmer…(maybe).

His mustache should get it's own name in the credits.


What I think we're seeing, and what some people are calling poor pacing, is the emphasis of the importance of each scene. The Weight. Each scene feels like a small play, with a story of it's own. The board room meeting at the insurance agency. The daughter in the car blowing Ritalin (I think). Wally Brando. Dr. Amp's…

enjoy the slow burn. I was glad Sunday was just an hour. I want this last forever. And be bewildered more and more each week. Personally.


Is no one gonna talk about the brilliant Vegas scene with Boss Belushi and the three inexplicably apathetic showgirls, wallflowering as a man is beaten to the ground?

We're not gonna talk about Judy.

It was all I hoped for and more.


I will be very bummed if Michael Anderson is not in the new episodes. The tree/neuron was very cool. But I want all of my Michael Anderson (fear and curiosity).

agree - how many times do we have to watch her have the same conversation with the wonder twins. The writers got lazy with that whole story line, in my opinion. They could have accomplished it all with two of those scenes. Not 14.

oooh. nice. possibly.

You don't want a large farva.

WOW. Good call. Egregious omission.

One day, Nacho Libre will be looked back on as utterly brilliant. Clearly, today is not that day.