
Old School, Wedding Crashers…

Pineapple Express, This Is The End, A Serious Man, Tropic Thunder is aging very well.

Yeah no I want this.

Maybe, been a while since I've seen it, but I remember him being pretty terrifying beating on Alabama.

and cut his hand on the glass. that's not gonna help.

True Romance, Get Shorty, The Drop is excellent, he's great in limited screen time in Zero Dark Thirty as Leon Panetta and is kinda the lone highlight of David Chase's film "Not Fade Away." A lot of other stuff but those stand out.

YES. Absolutely love the horror of Ginsburg-gone-mad. The HORROR! *brando voice*.

The elevator shot aside (and quite well done), the "monolith" here is the computer, right? Which would ultimately keep with the theme of a nod to 2001: the thing that will bring about their ultimate destruction is currently hanging around in support, but Ginsberg, who I think is proving to be a paranoid schizophrenic…

What a brilliant episode. Stray observations: