
it looks like thew one you have is edited honestly. theres even where the "R" slant starts like someone erased it after the fact


The real question is why are you STILL using MY icon!?!?! :P

ok :)

Or when someone has a legitimate opinion or argument i dont dismiss it with calling them a troll. keep that closed mind man itll take you places once you grow up!

what people dont realize is they arent playing a game but actually piloting the drones. all those people you mowed down with the upgrades to your drone (machine gun flame thrower etc) are really dead and you might be wanted for murder. should have read that tos

compelling argument brah. he comes with valid well thought out points you come in calling names like a child. good on you. hope the 5th grade works out this time.

i agree. i love my steam but any time ive had to use uplay its been nothing of a problem. i dont really use origin but im not against it. people want to be in the bandwagon and thats what it all boils down to. people want to hate it because its cool to hate it. they dont look at it with eye unclouded by community mob

not before i gay marry him

i think just like all things cynicism should be used in moderation and only when appropriate. also its how you pass off that cynicism thats important. i tried not to be a harsh dick about it. sometimes on the internet thats hard to accomplish! i mean no disservice to the people that worked on the title and know that

fair enough? i mean with money at stake i can imagine anyone saying anything to get pr including your response defending it. im not saying that its some heinous malicious act or anything. it just seems like it to me. either way i look forward to playing both of them and wish asylum the best of luck. also the other

kind of seems like publicity stunt for the other game. i dunno. just seems like they are piggybacking off a bad situation to bring attention to the other game and while i dont like being manipulated i cant blame him. these kind of games are really not that hot right now and if thats his passion i could see someone

a) nah id rather not stoop to their level :P also people get really upset when you disagree with them and im too squishy. a drunk guy will jump up and start wailing on me for any reason. plus it'd be unprofessional and i pride myself on my work ethic

oh i 100% agree with you and im a MASSIVE advocate for empathy so i know why they are the way they are. i understand it and through that respect it. but it doesnt make it any less frustrating to be ostracized because i dont enjoy what they do. and i would actually try it but like i said to someone else its the one

pig tails just dont do it for me :/ my brain associates them with gross old crack head women who are like "im a sexy schoolgirl" and pigtails are the first thing they do. gross bleh
its the female "sexy" version of

well good for you then

fair enough there is certainly a difference between old school and new schoolfps though. i was never huge on them because im not very good lol

That snow crunch

I played call of duty because i got it for xmas from coworkers to play with one of them. never touch it unless hes playing. not big on shooters really too much. played halo all the time back then but i also lived with 2 other guys and thats what we did. nowadays if it doesnt have a solid story or some really engaging

i have a good buddy whos so big on cowboys his week is ruined when they lose. poor guy