
"And I'm not even a Texans fan"

I'd hope not after that last season! :P and nah ill pass. i dont like sports more than i do like gaming and the allure of fantasy football!

sure role playing is blah blah blah and yes customization/freedom of choice is something that you can do in some rpgs but an rpg is exactly what final fantasy is. we arent talking about literal role playing. you want to role play go to comic con. go larp. go to a furry con. but thats not what we're talking about.

dang you beat me too

As someone who works in a bar in texas with pretty much 0 geek community i have to say that it is increasingly annoying the ire i get because i dont care about sports. people on that side audibly give you shit not just sulk in the background grumbling to themselves. Its almost as bad to not be a fan of football as it

You forgot the peppering in of the obligatory "I'm complaining about the different types of comments articles get." comments.

you can comment you just dont want to because its the cool thing to whine about still. it works fine. (admittedly you could be getting some kind of glitch i dont know about im just lumping you in with all the other comments section whiners)

i completely agree. 12 was balls awful and not even ff for me

i agree i dont think they expected anyone to win really so they wrote it to where they could put the same thing in after regardless. i never liked or played blitzball more than i had to

i agree. ff12 was completely forgettable. ff13 was better at getting the story through to me but meh. 12 wasnt even a final fantasy to me.

yeah. It is. In Japan and America.

lol i wasnt trying to use it in any kind of a way as against your point or for anyone elses. just a funny chuckle i got like "oh what a coincidence" haha! but youre right it does say there is certainly a huge market for gaming on console. i love my ps3 and all my consoles. my 3ds is the completely unexpected star of

Youre not the only one its hard for!

Thats a fair and valid point and i can wholly respect it! i do find your choice of words funny because of the recent consoles' controversy concerning them trying to be more than "just for gaming". not that it hurts your very much so valid point. just a funny observation :)

no problem :D

And let me tell you thats all it is for me most of the time too. i dont know everything about pcs and will be using that subreddit for myself this year when i build my new pc. best of luck and hope your new pc is everything you want it to be!

i was being sarcastic. i basically was agreeing with you while lampooning the people you were talking to.

99% ≠ 100%

"And the games you're talking about (with native controller support) are all ports of console games."

Educate yourself bro!! Know what the hell you're talking about before you talk about it, IDIOT!

You forgot to end it with an ellipsis... :P

Actually they aren't. I mean.. A Google search would tell you that. Don't be lazy :)

check out the build a pc subreddit they wil help you out if you go to them. also yes. if you dump that much into a machine you should have little problems just setting up your pc once and never messing with it again. im sure some will tell you this or that but yeah. for the most part you can pretty much do that.

Man i wish this thread was longer. you cant even try to reason with some people. i like both consoles and pc but im not going to sit here and act like consoles are in ANY way better than pc because its just not true. Also all these comments parroting the same tired formula
"how do you like ______ exclusive or _____