Also I need to know what was blurred!
Also I need to know what was blurred!
Pin it on your dead brothers suicide... Stay classy.
Well then. That certainly was impressive!
this sint this image shopped is it? it is just an internet picture. i saw it the other day. its funny sure but not in the shop contest
I agree. Ive had iphones and an ipad around my daughters whole life. she can use them both like a pro. Hell i even call the ipad her ipad because she uses it more than anyone else. ive not once had bogus purchaces. not one time. its not hard either. im not on it like people say to be either. im super lazy when it…
I don't like made up statistics. Cats are fickle dicks when they want to be.
honestly i didnt see it as much as smacking as like a pop on the rump to swat it away. and i still dont see anything wrong with what you said. these peoples reactions were just TOO funny! #teambananas
I'm surprised there's not one positive comment. They listened. It might be too little too late but at least they did and they do very much so deserve credit for it. Kudos EA. I'll likely buy this now.
i think its more we just know its a fantasy and dont care.
I must join this beta
yeah its all wonky. honestly i already edited it once so idk why i cant again. whatever though!
I would but it wont let me edit it again for some reason. Looks like it's not gray now anyway. Thanks for the heads up :)
He's going close to 110 pause at 0:51 it shows his speedometer. It's not his fault but the guy that didn't have the right of way could have mistaken his distance because usually people don't go that fast on the road hes used to. But like most here I see it as a cautionary tale to just be more cautious when driving.
american here. please stop overgeneralizing all of us! i love real cheese!! not fake ass rubbish like this. dont get me wrong though, the ex fatty in me sees it and would eat it but for the most part i know and love real cheese :)
I like to think it was marshmallow mateys
as john i know that feel bro