
thanks for letting me know? im just here to laugh at your comment. and im on your side. that guys being a cunt

i stand firmly that "Baby, It's Cold Outside" is just fun flirting and she could leave at any moment but doesnt want to!

ok maybe it is a little rapey..

+2 points for "cunty cunt cunt" BAHAHAHA!!!

i dont think i have anything else to say to you honestly. you have your view i have mine. we both feel the other is wrong. im moving on :)

youre wrong then. this isnt about "defending attraction and pursuit of young teenage girls" its about a videogame. these arent real people first off. second no ones going on about wanting to jack off to them. youre assuming its all about sex when its not. YOU make it all about sex in your head. I have a young girl. i

that if fox news wanted to fuck gaming again they could without this kind of censorship being necessary. if the right people saw the japanese game characters and had a big enough hard on for being a dickface then he could easily just use that instead of the european and likely american release and rustle his followers

so you dont have a point after all and were just here to "flame". got it.

i have an adorable 5 year old little girl. whats your point?

You forget that fox news isnt known for fact checking so much. if they want to have beef with the game or gaming theyll get the uncensored photos and report against their perversions like the fox news do.

"a few years ago"

We have a clear winner here!

zombies seem op

came here to say just this. Basically anyone that tries to start their own business is an idiot for putting all their time and skills int that too. No one should attempt to make their own brand or try to build a company because its "really putting all your eggs in a horribly woven basket". all these people that act

Guys guys guys. its a troll. ignore it

i think ive argued with you before on something somewhere else on kotaku. meh who knows what. but although im completely anti religious and think its the main problem with society i cant help but commend you for keeping a cool demeanor here. i might not even agree with you on your posts in this convo but i still have

you really just want to argue with someone dont you? ill pass! :)

:) see my other posts

opinions bro! ive already bowed out of this because in the end we all have em and none of them are more right than the other persons. how reasonable something is is an opinion :)

im just gonna leave you to your opinions. good talk though :)

no thats opinion. how reasonable something is is based on ones opinion.