
I actually agree. And yes it makes a hard case for disabled people. And that’s shitty. But like. Part of me looks at it and goes see this is why you don’t blindly jump on outrage because you read something without looking at all the sides at play. I mean that's what everyone here in this article comment section is

Nice! I fully expected to be drawn and quartered for that. Cheers and respect, friend! 

Call it controversial but I have to ask and will likely be ignored or put on blast for it. why is it necessary to blast the “male writers”? If someone came on saying the same thing you did but started it with “female” there would be an uproar. It’s equality, not exclusivity.

I bought one. Used it a whole.. 3 times. It’s very neat for sure but just nothing beats ol xbox controller for me.

That’s exactly me too! Cheers to awesome memories!!

I remember seeing most if her art!! I subscribed for about 5 years (wish I had kept them :/) and some of the pics I’ve seen in this article took me right back!!

Seems like it. But I wouldn't be surprised if there was an even more hidden secret. That lost was a bitch and a half. This just seems like a bitch.

What an idiot you are. I can't believe you didn't know those were real. Stupid. What a stupid person. Almost as bad as people who don't get sarcasm.

I stand by my immature cussing on the app for text to speech hilarity! 31 years old? Pshh. More like 13!!!

I half agree. while it would be neat it wouldnt be realistically functional to any of todays standards. the sd card reader is a great way to have that nostalgic look and feel with modern day functionality. so i like what he did an am thoroughly impressed!

I can’t either. Even though I’ll be getting a WiiU for Mario Maker. That being said there’s a lot of games on it that I’ll play or might want to some day. More so than PS4.

They fixed that first traffic problem a while back. i remember being frustrated with it when it came out and it was fixed in the first few big updates.

In terms he can understand

“Come at me scrublord, I’m ripped.”

Dem huge bites doe bro!

His point is apt imo.

Mega Bloks.

It can’t be a coincidence.

Ah. So you’re one of those people. Good for you.